Chapter 17: Our Room

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Asher's POV:

I just offered to walk her home as I have had two glasses of wine and don't want to drive her home, not like this. I should be fine but my main aim in life is to keep my Luna safe. I love the sound of that 'My Luna', my wolf Axe just purrs, he doesn't use his words much. He's very animalistic, I guess that's what makes me so strong and brutal as an Alpha, especially in my wolf form.

What I don't understand is why she hasn't said anything yet about me walking her home or making a move towards the door where her shoes are. I love that she took her shoes off, I guess that will be a new rule in this house. In 'our' house I correct myself in my mind.

I have had such a great evening with her. I've been on a few first dates but this has topped them all. Sure she's my mate, but I love that we were able to be silly together, that she didn't call me alpha once or treat me like one. Olivia treated me like a guy she may have a crush on and not the Alpha that rules her pack. I think the other girls I dated wanted to go out with me for my title and not for the deeper me.

"Olivia, is everything ok?" I ask her as I think something is on her mind. She's normally not this quiet and I know she was vocal about home time and her curfew whilst with Sterling, even if it was them two annoyed at the fact that she had to leave. She smiles at me nervously which I find incredibly cute, I really hope I can show her that she can tell me anything, I will always be here for her, she's my mate. Mine.

"Well, my wolf Mia, she wants to stay and connect with your wolf" Axe howls in my mind at this, typical. "That first shift, she's never responded to any other wolf like that Asher, just your wolf" she says not looking at me. I walk over to her pick her up and place her on the marble kitchen bench. "Olivia, never be embarrassed about anything around me or my wolf. We are mates, it's only natural. My wolf Axe wants the same, I didn't ask you to stay before because I don't want to put any pressure on you sweetheart." She looks up at me with a small smile and I lean in to kiss her lips. It's a gentle kiss and I pick her up and carry her through the back door into the garden. 

I place her down take my clothes off, not minding if she sees me. I'm a werewolf, and Alpha werewolf, I think most of the pack has seen me like this at least once between shifts. Axe, turns around trying to be a gentle man. Well he tries to be one to Olivia but I bet that's going to go out of the window once Mia is in control.

I turn around as Mia walks up to me and starts liking my ears as a sign of affection. I let her do it and don't snap back, if any other wolf tried to do this I'd snap back straight away and make them submit to me as their Alpha. Mia jumps up and down inviting Axe to play and they pounce at each other a few times before Mia rolls on her back. Axe licks her ears and makes her way down her belly. Mia and Axe are purring, I make sure he doesn't do anything he shouldn't but before I can stop him he's about to shift between Mia's legs like a dirty dog.

I shift here and then before he does something that Olivia and I haven't even talked about yet. Mia sits up and howls, she clearly didn't mind what Axe was doing but I'm back in control now. I leave Mia some space and walk back to my clothes. I wait inside the living room giving Mia a moment and then Olivia time to get changed without  me looking.

"Asher, should we talk about what happened with our wolves? Their connection seems deeper than ours. I don't know about Axe but Mia wants Axe to mark her. I guess we should work everything before we shift together again?" Olivia says sensibly to me.

"Olivia, I won't deny that I want to mark you as my mate. However, I have waited nearly 4 years so I can wait until you are ready." I have wanted to mark her every time she has been near me over the past few years. I however will not mark her without her consent. I've known other Alphas to mark their Luna's without consent and although they are mates they don't truly seem happy. I want my Luna to love me for me and not only because we are mates.

"Thank you Asher. Do you think I could stay tonight, just being around you was calming for me last night. I can stay in another room or on the couch and I will go home if you don't want me to stay" Olivia mumbles getting quicker with each word. "I'd love you to stay, do you want to see our room?" Our room, did I really just say our room? What if I have scared her off, I should have said my room or her room for the night?

She nods so I lead her up two flights of stairs. The first floor has a a guest room, 3 rooms for future pups and a huge playroom for the pups and three bathrooms. Stop thinking about pups Asher, you haven't even marked her yet I plead with myself. We get to the top flaw, which houses my library (I have my office in the ground floor so pack members can come without having to walk through my whole house), a cozy media room and my large bedroom, walk-in wardrobe and ensuite.

"It's beautiful, are you sure I can stay here with you? I remember the last time I stayed in your room at your parents house, that was the night I shifted for the first time. I think Mia already knew then you where my mate even if she couldn't put a name to the feeling yet." She laughs and continues "you know, I found condoms in your bathroom draw that night looking for a new toothbrush"

I growl at the last sentence she just said to me.

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