Chapter 24: Late

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5 weeks have passed since Maggie was sent to the neighbouring pack and to be away from her mate. Sterling has come over to our house, to try and change Asher's mind but he isn't budging on his decision. Asher and I can see how hard this physical separation is on Sterling and we have heard from the other pack that it's been hard on Maggie too. However, there is no way Asher can back down now or he will look weak in front of our pack so I don't even ask him. I'm smart enough to know and understand his answer.

Maggie has been home for a week now so Sterling has stopped knocking in our door at all hours of the day and night.

Wait, it's been 5 weeks??? My eyes widen, but my wolf Mia purrs a knowing 'Yup' in my mind. 5 weeks.

Since my heat, Asher and I have been getting used to one another and exploring what we like together in bed. I still can't believe that our first time together was during my heat.

I confessed to him the day after my heat that I've never had anyone go down on me. Asher was shocked, I still think he was sure I had tried everything out with.... well his younger brother. Sure we had sex and I had given him blowjobs and hand jobs... but other than missionary, our adventures in the sheet ended there.

I blushed the whole time when I told Asher the only things I had done, well before him. I still swear that his chest expanded with pride knowing he made me orgasms whilst going down on me, those where two first for me. Every time Asher and I get intimate, we makes sure I climax to.

It's such a pleasant change for me, Sterling only had one thing on his mind when we were together. Sex. The sex was for him, not for us. Asher and I however, we have sex for us as a couple and it is bringing us so much closer and our trust keeps on growing for another.

Asher is so happy that we are fully mates, and the pride I have knowing he's my mate, I can't help but wear low tops to show off my mark. I just want everyone to know I'm his and also that he's kind. No, Maggie's accusations have nothing to do with it. I really think it's just the mates bond.

Asher and I had sex on the kitchen counter yesterday, a first for me. Omg, it was amazing, even the thought is getting me aroused. He really knows how to use his body. I might have to go disturb Asher in his office, we still haven't done it in his office, I really want to give him a blowjob from under his desk before getting on his lap with my skirt hitched up before sitting on his lap in his swirling office chair.

Asher however respects his pack too much. He knows everyone will be able to smell what happened in the office if we ever did that and pack members come by to see him all the time. I guess that's a part of the reason why I love him so much.

Wait 5 weeks??? That can't be.

I need to know. I rush downstairs and past Asher's office and poke my head in. "I'm off to the shops, do we need anything for dinner tonight?" I ask. "How about some nice wine, remember we invited Sterling and Maggie as a peace offering? My parents are coming too." I sigh, I do remember, I'm still not sure how I feel about seeing Maggie but I know it's the right thing to do.

I take Asher's car and drive out of the pack, I don't want gossip spreading that I, the packs Luna is buying not just 1 but 3 pregnancy tests. I'm positive I'm not pregnant, I can't remember the last day of my period. We only did it that one time without protection with Asher pulling out. But that one time was during my heat.

It's not guaranteed that she-wolfs fall pregnant during their heat, but the chances are much higher. I'm not sure how Asher will react, we've been getting to know each other better but I still can't read him like an open book. I know he loves me now, but will he change his mind if we happen to be pregnant? I really hope not, but we are so young. I need to stop worrying and just buy the tests.

I go to the bottle shop first, the thought of buying wine after buying pregnancy tests makes me laugh out loud when I get to the car park. I pick up 3 expensive bottles of Shiraz red wine and 2 six packs of craft brewery beer for the fridge in case the boys want some later, or any of the pack that Asher has drinks with on most nights.

I leave the car where it is and walk the 5 min walk to the Pharmacy. I have no idea which one to buy, I'm standing there aimlessly when a mum holding her baby walks past me. "I used those when I was pregnant with my Bub" she points to a certain brand and smiles at me kindly. "Thank you" I whisper back to her whilst waving hello to her baby.

I've paid and am back in the car. Do I use a public toilet? Do I use the test at my parents house? No, I need to do this at home. I need Asher to be in the house in case I am, he'd want to know straight away I think.

I drive the 30 mins back to the pack boundary and start day dreaming about names. I make a metal list of girl and boy names, although I have heard that most Alphas first born babies happen to be boys so I try and make the boys name list longer, just in case. I know I'm young, but with Asher's and my parents help I know I could be a good mum.

Financially Asher and I are stable enough for a baby. Asher was amazing when I moved in, he has a what's mine is yours policy and set me up on his bank account. I don't take this for granted and applied to go to university next semester as I want to become a doctor. I want to become a pack doctor. It's always hard for packs to get good doctors because we can't tell non werewolf's what we are. As a Luna I see it as my way of giving back. I'm still waiting on acceptance letters though, so who knows if it will happen.

If I'm pregnant I guess I'll have to postpone that. Will Asher mind? I can't think like this yet. I may not even me pregnant. Right?

I park the car in the garage and place the beers in the fridge before telling Asher I'm back. I rush to our bedroom and sit in the bath whilst reading the instructions. It says to use first thing in the morning for the most accurate result, but I can't wait that long.

I take the test and wait the longest 3 minutes of my life. I check the test and I'm.....

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