Chapter 13

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"Gojo oughta go on his business trips more." Kugisaki grinned as she raked through the isles of clothing.

You were currently standing inside a boutique somewhere in Harajuku, staring out of the shops window to admire the hustle and bustle that you didn't get to see often.

"Isn't he coming back tonight?" You asked as you continued to watch the passerby's through the glass.

"Already?" Kugisaki groaned.

"I mean, it's been at least three days hasn't it?"

The girl arched a brow, her lips curving upwards, "Are you seriously keeping track of the days he's been away? Didn't think you paid so much attention to him."

"Shut it..." You said feeling flustered about what she was hinting at, "Don't even go there."

The brown-haired girl came into view suddenly, making you jump slightly from being startled. She stood in front of you, obstructing your view of the outside. Kugisaki held up a mini dress to her body, "What do you think??"

"I think it looks great!"

She took the dress off her body to examine it before pressing the clothing item directly against you instead, "I think this matches you much more."

"You think so?" You said while running your fingers down the sides of the dress.

"Ya, totally. You should get it."

You hummed dubiously, "Mmm, I don't know. I'm trying to save money."

"For what?"

"Maybe a house in the suburbs some time in the far future."

"Okay, (y/n). We're seriously talking about ¥5000 and I honestly can't see Gojo leaving the city." She said while shoving the hanger into your hands.

You watched Kugisaki turn back around to continue searching through the row of clothes. Your brows pinched together, feeling confused, "What does that have to do with Gojo?"

"Aren't you guys, like, seeing each other or something?"

"Uh. No."

Kugisaki's forehead crinkled, "Oh come on, (L/N)(Y/N)! I'm not your mom. You don't have to hide it from me."

"Nobara, I don't know how many times I have to tell you. Nothings going on with me and Gojo!" You huffed and turned to place the dress back onto the rack neatly, "And don't bring my egg-donor into this."

"Sorry." She apologized in a short manner before she continued her mild interrogation, "What was that the other day then?!"

You turned to face Kugisaki, a hand still resting on the clothing bar, "It was nothing! You walked in at a bad time!"

"Didn't look like nothing to me." She stopped her hands from searching and turned to meet your gaze as she pressed her hands onto her hips, "So you're saying you don't feel anything for him? At all?"

You felt the blood rush to your face and maybe your palms started to get a bit clammy too. It was weird to think about Gojo in that way. But the thought of him made your heart palpitate in ways you could never imagine. You didn't mean to pause and the hesitation to answer the question was enough for Kugisaki to justify her impressions. She threw you a waggish smile before she pressed her index finger onto your nose.

"So you DO have a thing for him!"

You slapped her hand away, "D-don't be silly. He's our teacher for crying out loud."

"You make like we're not all adults around here. He's, what? Like 6 years older? We don't attend a normal college, the circumstances aren't normal. These are the exceptions." She shifted all her weight from one foot to the other, "It's like we're all co-workers and you're, well, dating the boss. I guess that doesn't sound very proper either, huh?"

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