Chapter 19

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"Gojo sensei. I-I think I like you! No. I do. I do like you!"


"Gojo... let's.....DATE!"

"No, that's not gunna work either..."

"Jesus Christ..."

At this point you felt crazy; standing in front of the mirror in your room, talking to yourself. Reciting your words. How do you even begin to proclaim your feelings for the white-haired sorcerer? You slapped your hands onto your face literally peeling your lower eyelids downward, feeling absolutely ridiculous and cringing at yourself. You continue to groan, now full of regret. If only you hadn't lied earlier.

It was now night. The Kyoto students were set to leave tomorrow morning. Everyone had arranged an onsen hangout as the last gathering (of course, men and women separated). The thought of being naked around your girlfriends seemed unnerving which is why you never really took advantage of the natural hot springs littered throughout the mountains that surrounded jujutsu tech. Even so, with her conniving tactics, Kugisaki some how managed to persuade and break you out of your comfort zone once more. 

Pressed for time, you decided to adjourn the one-person meeting taking place in your head and headed out the door with the bathrobe wrapped loosely around your body. The brown-haired girl said to meet her outside the common area no later than 7 PM and you arrive at 6:55 PM on the dot.

Your hands fumble with the ties outside the robe and you grow a little impatient with it; wondering why it wasn't tightening as much as you'd like and lacking knowledge about the ties sitting on the inner parts of the bathrobe for that exact reason. You turn around to the sound of approaching footsteps, eyes still trained on the stupid tie but you quickly surrender when your gaze settles on a pair of lustrous azure ones staring back at you. Gojo's luminous orbs so lucent from the moonlight, it was mesmerizing. The white-haired male also wore a bathrobe. His entire chest exposed all the way down to his perfect abdominal muscles and his V cut, which was incredibly defined.

Your lips parted slightly, wanting to greet the male but the words stick in your throat and you remain a mute. Gojo doesn't say a single thing. His eyes drift downward to your cleavage and a hint of the side of your under-boob which was now exposed from your bathrobe slipping off your shoulder. He reaches up with a hand and you feel his fingers press gently onto the skin of your chest, just right above the breast. His touch, literally turning you to stone. You continued to stand in front of him, now, completely immobile and uncertain of the man's objective.

His fingers glide upwards to your collarbone. Your breath hitches and your temperature rises. The feeling of his digits across your bare skin made your cheeks burn with heat. The gnawing in your chest devours you as the two of you continued this quiet stare down. He doesn't look away from that pretty face of yours. But you don't look away either.

Gojo's fingers now skim agonizingly slow across your collarbone to stop at your shoulder. By now you assumed he would remove you of the clothing completely. But he doesn't. His fingers grab onto the collar of your robe and he pulls it back up your shoulder to the neck.

"Uhm...." you finally break eye contact, gaze drifting to the side, trying to muster all the strength to not look at his sex lines, "....thank you."

Gojo's hand drops back down to his side. The male remains quiet. He then turns on his heels and disappears through the trees, likely heading towards the hot springs designated for the men.

You blew out your cheeks. The guy literally made you almost sweat from nervousness. The residual anxiety now left your body tingling with some sort of yearning desire. You shook your head slightly wondering what the hell all of that was just now. It was so unlike Gojo to not make any wise ass remarks, let alone say anything at all.

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