Omake (起原): Birth of a Crush

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The full moon peeks through the clouds periodically in the sky and the sakura sheds from the branches of nearby trees.

The wee hours were upon us, but in Gojo's opinion the night was young. The sorcerer had just arrived back from a business trip and now strolls somewhere through the vast outdoors of Tokyo Metropolitan Curse Technical College.

A subtle hint of cursed energy permeates the air and the male stops in his tracks. It was unusual to have someone up at this hour other than himself. He turns and begins to mosey over towards the source. He was in no hurry as there was no imminent danger. He already had the gist that it was a student and one of the newer ones. But what he couldn't comprehend was the fact that he couldn't pinpoint who it was. It never took Gojo more than a few seconds to know exactly who was around the area and what they were up to.

The feeling grows stronger as he closes in on his target and now a girl comes into view.

You sat cross-legged near the edge of the river, staring off into the distance. Even after a couple months of joining the jujutsu world, nothing gets easier. The thought of death by others, the thought of death by your hands, the thought of your own death. That, along with many other things keep you up at night.

Gojo stops right behind you, but remains unnoticed. He was a seasoned sorcerer and it allowed him to be incredibly agile and silent. He tilts his head as he looks down at you; remembering the first day he met you and remembering how he couldn't perceive anything. The feeling left him intrigued. The idea that someone was so unreadable was thought-provoking. He often spent a lot of time watching you, studying you, wondering if there was some kind of loop hole. But everyday lead to discouragement.


Gojo's upside-down smiling face suddenly appears in front of you and you flinch. Your head knocks into his but it's doesn't affect him. He remains bent over, hands in his pockets and his face hovering in front of yours. The gravity makes his white strands dangle. He continues to smile at you through his blindfold.

"Ow..." Your hands quickly comfort the traumatized area.

Gojo straightens up to a stand. He walks around, away from your back to situate himself into a squat in front of you.

"Gojo sensei, can you give a girl a warning? Geez..."

The white-haired sorcerer tilts his head once more. His brows furrow, his lips pucker and he hums in curiosity. No matter how much he concentrates—nothing.

"How do you do it?"

Your brows knit together, not quite following, "Huh? What are you talking about?"

"I can't sense anything. How do you do it? How do you hide it?"

"I.... don't?"

Gojo narrows his eyes, but again, you don't see it due to his blindfold. He doesn't believe you and you still don't quite understand what he's talking about.

"Limitless. Six eyes. And I still can't see through to you. It's quite... upsetting."

"Are you being a narcissist right now?" You snort.

The guy continues his own thoughts while disregarding yours, "Is there a way for you to, perhaps, let me in?"


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