Chapter 24

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People are born with a predisposition to not only want to receive love but to give love. But everyone knows how hard it is to find love these days—true love at least. True love is a rare thing to come by. Some people think it's mere luck, some people think it's divine intervention, some people think that true love is what you make of it and some people think that it doesn't exist at all.

Gojo wasn't one to think about love and he also wasn't one to go out and seek it either. He always thought that if it happened to stumble upon him than fine, if not, that was alright too. Many thought Gojo had a narrow mind. His arrogance and condescending persona made people believe that was the source of his commitment issues; because no one was ever good enough. However the white-haired male was actually quite open-minded and he was a very smart man. If he ever wanted to seek love, he'd want the virtuous type. True love, defined by respect, compassion, fidelity, acceptance. But these days, people search for 'love' in the form of money, looks, sex, status. And that was the source of Gojo's commitment issues. His previous relationships, all so predictable. So superficial. So fake. During his younger years when he was only fueled by hormonal lust, he left all of his relationships just as quick as he went into them.

The heart has reasons that even reason itself cannot understand.

Gojo Satoru has always been a very logical man, making decisions based off rational evidence. He lived life by objective reasoning rather than depending on something subjective, such as emotions. Which is why this particular philosophical expression was relevant. Whatever his heart wanted was opposite of what his mind tells him. The perplexity of his emotions lately were more than frustrating. He never met a person who interfered with his feelings the way you did. And surprisingly, it frightens the guy (just a bit). Because he's had his fair share of failed 'love'. If you can even call it love (probably wasn't).

There was something about you that set you apart from the rest and his mind goes back to the night of you sitting underneath the Sakura tree. The night that you allowed yourself to become vulnerable around him. The night you decided to share your deepest sentiments. Everything he learnt about you that night ignited something within him, something that even he didn't realize could be powered by such fervor. He was intrigued at the fact that you didn't care about his wealth, his looks, his status or even his power like most others did.

Your breath hitches and you avert your gaze to the ground. It was Gojo that left that note behind. You feel yourself shrink and you respond sheepishly, "Uh, yeah....I know what you mean, I guess...."

You feel his eyes on you still but didn't dare meet them. Your heart rate kicks up a few notches. You try to control your breathing. You lick and bite your lower lip. You converse with yourself in your head. The moment has come, it had to at some point right?  But yet you hesitate. Because these types of things have always been scary since the dawn of time—for anyone.

"Do you know why—" he begins to ask, "—finding love is like shopping at an ice cream parlor?"

"Cause sweets?" You lift your shoulders into a small shrug.

The male smiles. He sees that you're not quite following but he doesn't expect anyone to get it on the first guess, "There's so many unique flavors to try. The possibilities are endless. Until you find that perfect memorable one that will ultimately become your favorite flavor. Forever."

The striking view no longer holds your attention. The air was thick with tension (at least for you) as the current topic of discussion sets in.

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