Chapter 17

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A few drinking games had been completed and everyone had become either unconscious or incoherent to some extent.

"Omg, I love Eminem." Panda sat, currently head banging to a song that was blaring through his earphones.

"I pra-prefer ssssskittles." Yuji was clearly feeling the alcohol, his body swaying slowly.

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"M&M's arr—okayyyyyyy, b-but sssssskittles." Yuji threw Panda a thumbs up as he tried to keep his head leveled.

"Yuji..." Panda threw his paws into the air, "I'm talking about the rapper."

"Yuuuck!" Yuji pulled back slightly and grimaced at the bear, "Whhhhy wuld yew even eat the wrappper???"

Fushiguro shook his head at the pink-haired boy while you continued to laugh at the incredulous blonde moment.

Panda placed his paw onto his forehead, "Just shut up and go to sleep, Yuji."

You got to your feet and stumbled slightly before catching your footing, "I, uh, need some fresh air."

"You gunna be okay?" Fushiguro asked while reaching out, wondering if he needed to catch you at any moment, "Did you need me to accompany you?"

"I-I'm fine." You hiccuped, trudging across the room to slide the shoji screen open and walked out into the cold night.

You continued your walk through the campus, completely unbothered by the sting from the chilly air since you had enough liquor in you to keep you warm till morning. The crickets were out and the crescent moon was apparent in the cloudless sky. You exhaled loudly through your nose, finally reaching the spot you always frequented when you wanted to be alone. There was a bench underneath a Sakura tree near the edge of the river in which you planted yourself. You squeezed your thighs shut, almost forgetting that you were still in an incredibly short dress. You gripped onto the edge of the wooden bench and swung your legs back and forth; allowing yourself to enjoy this quiet moment before you retreat to your room for the night.

It might have been a few minutes or more until you felt a strong presence looming close by. You smiled and turned to acknowledge your friend, "Yuta—"

You cut yourself short when you realized it wasn't him.

"Yuta?" The man smirked, "Not sure if I should feel flattered or offended."

You quickly turned your head to face the front of you, eyes boring into the body of water as Gojo took his seat next to you on the bench. Your grip tightened and you crossed your legs at the ankles; bringing your swinging to a stop. When did he make you so nervous? Being withdrawn and shy around the white-haired sorcerer was something you've never experienced. But then again you hadn't seen the guy since your training with him and everything between the two of you was still currently up in the air. You quickly slapped yourself internally and convinced yourself to act normal.

"Sorry I'm late." Gojo was more than late, the party was practically over. He was stuck in an unwanted situation again with the higher-ups but he wasn't going to explain himself. Not that he ever did anyway, but maybe he should, then you likely wouldn't be so disappointed.

"Don' worry bout it. 'Ss fine." Your mildly slurred words and the slight drooping of your lids gave away the fact that you had a few too many drinks. However, not enough to cloud your judgement.

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