Chapter 19

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I try and focus on my online lecture, I write down any notes I think are important. I spend most of my time just writing my notes because that's my favourite part. I make them look pretty and put most of my effort into that.

Nursing was never something I thought I would do. I find it reasonably interesting I guess, ever since high school I was going to major in business. My Mom and StepDad run five major hotels in LA, Miami, New York, Maui and Oahi. I was hoping one day I could help out in the business side. After I finished high school and I started seeing my Dad, we talked and he thought nursing would be a better fit for me.

I guess he was right. Business wasn't a long term thing for me, I don't think.

A knock at the door causes me to jump. I stand up from the desk and walk towards the door. I unlock it and open it.

"Hey Lynny." David Smiles.

"Hi, Dad. What's up?"

I've called David my Dad for a while now. After everything that went down with my biological Dad, we had the discussion about adoption and I accepted. Myself and all my siblings changed our last names to match David and my Mom as well.

He may not biologically be my father, but he is in my heart.

"What are you up to?" He asks.

"I was just studying but I can take a break." I explain. "Want to go for a little walk?" He asks.

"Sure." I agree with a smile.

I quickly grab my phone before following Dad out to the elevator. We begin talking about Nate and Lily's wedding, then we move onto my birthday that's literally tomorrow.

"I don't want it to be a big deal. I know I'm turning twenty-one and whatever- but this trip is for Nate and Lily, it should all be about them." I explain as we walk out of the hotel.

David nods understanding. "I understand why you would feel that way, but you know Nate and Lily wouldn't find it rude for you to celebrate."

We take a seat by the water feature. It's nice and relaxing hearing that trickle while also hearing the waves of the beach right across the road. No wonder Mom and Dad's hotel does so well, it's right near the beach.

"I know that, I think I'm just using it as an excuse because I don't really feel like celebrating." I say honestly.

David clears his throat. "That's actually what I wanted to talk to you about. I know you've always found it hard to talk to your Mom when you go through anything, so I want you to know that I'm here for you. It's clear to me, that you're going through something and whether you choose to share that with me- is up to you."

I look down at my hand. I fiddle with the rings on my finger.

This one is my favourite. Ethan got it for me, actually. It's just a silver ring with a few tiny gems around the band. It was somewhat basic- but we never bought each other random gifts, so it means a lot to me- I mean meant a lot to me. That's all in the past.

"It's him, isn't it?"

I lift my head and turn to him. I follow his gaze towards the hotel entrance. Ethan is standing by the doors talking to someone on the phone.

"Ethan? No. That's Isabelle's boyfriend." I choke bringing my attention back down to my hands. I slide the ring on and off my finger, I can't help but to fidget.

"Honey, I won't pressure you to talk to me about this. But I can listen with no judgement. It can stay between us."

I nod my head slightly. "There's nothing to talk about." I say looking back over to find Ethan. Only to see Isabelle walking over to him and taking his hand.

I swallow the lump in my throat.

David's phone begins to buzz so he pulls it out. "Mmm, it's the hotel in Maui." He sighs.

"Answer. I'm going to go for a walk on the beach anyway. Thanks for the talk." I say standing up.

David nods pulling me into a small hug. I hug him back before he shoots me a small smile and walks away answering the phone.


"Tomorrow, what do you want to do for your birthday?" Renee asks excited.

"Nothing." I say honestly. "I have two days to organise a bachelorette party and I plan to do just that." I explain.

Renee sighs. "No fun."

"You're underage anyway."

"I have a fake id, Adelyn." Renee says in a 'duh' tone. "Renee Sophia Daniels." I scold.

"You didn't have one?" She questions. "I did but at least I was almost twenty!" I chuckle.

Renee and I laugh for a few more seconds before she changes the subject. "So- how have you been?"

I look away towards Nate and Lily who sit at the head of the table. They're talking to my parents and Lily's, laughing and smiling about something.

"I'll be ok." I breathe out. "I'm fine."

"Adelyn, you're always just fine." Renee whispers. I turn to face her as her sympathetic eyes search mine. I open my mouth to speak, but stop myself when I realise I'm unsure of what to respond.

What do you say to someone who you've realised can read you more than you thought? All this time I thought I could hide my emotions, have I always been so easy to read?

"You're my sister. My older sister, who I look up to. I know when things in your life aren't the way you want them to be." Renee says.

I clear my throat. "Lily is our sister now too, look up to her not me. I'm a screw up, everything good in my life eventually turns to crap. You don't want that, Renee."

"Adelyn-" Renee breathes out unable to find the right words to reply with.

I place my napkin from my lap on the table and stand up. As far as I can tell no one notices my exit as I walk out of the hotel restaurant. I continue walking out of the hotel. I pace around outside.

What is my life? I'm hung up on a guy who clearly has a girlfriend, who is my best friend. If Ethan felt the same way about me, he wouldn't be with Isabelle.

I just want to be happy. That's all I want.

There's so many people in my life who want me to talk to them about my problems, and yet I feel so lonely. Like there's no one there for me.

Because the only person I want is him.

"Adelyn, what's wrong?"

Of course, he would show up right now! Whenever I think of him, he's there! He shows up!

"I can't talk to you right now, Ethan." I say honestly feeling annoyed that he's here right now.

Ethan frowns. "What's going on?"

"I'm just really- pissed right now!" I exclaim trying to keep my voice down.

Ethan shakes his head, clearly getting lost as to why I'm so hostile towards him.

Men. Their brains work so slowly.

"At me?" He questions. "Duh!" I exclaim with a sigh.

"What did I do?" Ethan questions. "The question is what haven't you done." I say. "What are you doing tomorrow?" He asks unexpectedly.

I'm slightly taken back. He forgot it's my birthday? Oh. He really has forgotten about me.


"Good, I'm spending the day at Olivia's. You can come." Ethan says. I nod. "Ok." I agree.

"Be ready at 11." He responds before walking back inside.

What just happened?

Did he really forget my birthday?


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