Chapter 26 : America Salutes You

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"Hey, So... what do you really need me here for?" I ask, leaning over the orange railing of the metal walkway, wind blowing in my hair as I wait for the Doctor to finish messing with the Apollo 11 cockpit.

I kick one foot out between the bars, letting it hang in empty space.

dang, we're high up.

It's one thing to see this rocket in a museum, and a completely different thing to be at its top on metal scaffolding. "We really really shouldn't be up here, ya know. We're gonna get in so much trouble." I add, my mind verbalizing what it had been pinwheeling through ever since I caught sight of the 'no authorized personnel' sign.

"Don't be such a worry-wort." The Doctor chides, much like Mels. "I already told you, we'll be fine. Worst comes to worse I use the psychic paper." This is the third time he's pacified my anxiety so far. "Or, I could just sick you on them— wait? I don't know if that's just a future you thing or not..."

"So... again, why am I here?"

"Oh, you know..." the Doctor trails off as he keeps messing with the inner workings of the rocket, "You're my lookout."

I lean back while holding onto the rails, looking up at the beautiful Florida clouds building up on the horizon, upside-down "You sure? Cause' I'm not really doing anything... besides having a minor anxiety attack at the thought of getting arrested... again."

"No, you're doing brilliantly, couldn't do this without you," the Doctor says, poking his head out the small hatch, "see? you're... you're— ah ha! You're holding those for me."

I give him an 'are you serious' look, eyes bouncing between the Doctor and the few wires He asked me to hold, and raise an eyebrow. "You know, I'm fine just watching because you wanna feel clever. I do actually like just watching you work for the pleasure of watching you work— hey, is your face getting red? You aren't getting a sunburn, are you? I mean it is Florida and the sun's pretty bright today—"

"No! Don't worry! I'm fine!"

"I mean, if you say so..."

"I do!" The Doctor accidentally zaps his hand, "ow! —okay, yes, I just wanted you here to watch me be clever. Sue me. Can you come over here and help?"

I step forward, peering inside the space, oh. Maybe it was just the light. I guess he isn't getting a sunburn after all? "I don't know if this's a good idea. I've been known to break electronics without even doing anything."

"It's fine," the Doctor waves off, shifting over, so there's a little more space where he's sitting, an open maintenance duct above him, "here, just do what I tell you."

Carefully, I squeeze into the spot next to him, self conscious at the lack of space between us. Not that he seems to notice.

"So, you take these two wires and twist them together." The Doctor says, pointing at the wires in question.

"Like this?" I ask glancing over at him,

"Yep, perfect."

And it continues on like that, I follow whatever instructions he gives me, meanwhile he works at a much faster pace to get whatever we're doing here done.

When his phone rings, he answers, though almost immediately has me hold it to his ear so he can still work while talking.

I roll my eyes in fond exasperation, knowing he could easily hold it himself, but willing to indulge his odd request regardless.

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