Chapter 11 : Things NOT To Do

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Faith observes the others from her position in a corner of the room. She'd slid down to sit as soon as they were all inside. Peeking over the top of her book-which is open to a page she'd spent the most time reading out of any.

She'd know. The one in her worn out version has the whole page underlined and highlighted with notes. A big red message in her handwriting stating 'IMPORTANT' at the top.

Now she knows why.

Now she knows what to do.

Now she knows where future her got the book.

Bootstrap paradoxes. What a pain in the butt to keep track of.

Lux flips a switch and the others continue into another room, the orange light filling the doorway. Heaving herself back up from the floor, Faith has to steady herself briefly- her vision swimming and vertigo rocking the room around her.

Stupid colds.

After a moment of leaning against the metal wall, clutching at her head and her book, she manages to pull herself enough together to make it into the room with the others.

Only it doesn't do much to help her headache- Seeing as the Doctor is yelling again.

"Cal is a child?! A child hooked up to a mainframe?? Why didn't you tell me this?!! I needed to know this!!" Faith flinches at the volume- a stab of pain to her head, shrinking back from the accusation as he turns his glare on her as well as Lux.

"Because she's family!!" Lux shouts back at him. Going on to explain who CAL; Charlotte Abigail Lux, is to him and what her family did for her.

Faith starts mindlessly fingering the USB looking data drive in her pocket, listening closely to the tale she only remembers hearing as its being said.

Every fiber in her coiling up in tension at what she knows comes soon... the question is; When?

looking over at Charlotte in pity, she walks over to stand in front of her. If Faith is lucky, she may be joining her within the virtual world soon... if not then, well...

She'd rather not think about that.

"The shadows. I have to... have to save... have to save."

"-And she saved them. She saved everyone in the library. Folded them into her dreams and kept them safe. "

"Then why didn't she tell us?" Faith jumps slightly at Anita's voice, feeling guilty for having forgotten her in the commotion

"Because she can't remember, A-Anita-" for a second Faith's brain stutters over whether or not 'Anita' is actually the right name- deciding, yes, that's right, and letting her continue- "she's the computer and all her memory is filled up with other people." Gosh she hates it when she stutters.

And darn it, it happens at the worst moments.

"Exactly," the Doctor jumps in, voice solemn, "She's got over four thousand living minds chatting away inside her head. It must be like being- well, me."

Faith once again breaks off from the conversation as she fully takes in the computer components around her... they look- she flips through her book- Yes, they look exactly the same as the one on the 'Important' page.

Thank God for that. Her half-baked plan would truly be in shambles otherwise-

"-Autodestruct in ten minutes.-"

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