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"It has to be him, I am sure dad." Gio rests his hands on his father's table.

"Bill has been loyal for several years, your mother isn't going to like the sound of this, so I repeat, Are you sure?" His father stares at the boy before him, who's hungry for blood.

"Bill helped Gianna run away. Bill betrayed us." He repeats.  

Alexander sighs, "Then have him tell us where your sister is."

Gio hits his hand on the table in excitement. "By all means?"

Alexander looks up at him, trying not to show the fear in his face. Bill raised him as a son, so to see Giovanni excited to torture him shakes Alexander to the core.

He can't help wonder but how excited Giovanni will be to end him if the time comes.

"By all means." Alexander smirks.

He isn't going to show it, his fear. Although he doesn't want to think about it, Alexander will have to be the one to put down his son. He created a monster.

"I will make you proud son." Gio smiles. "You follow me!" He commands the guard standing behind his dad.

"I don't doubt." He mutters to himself.


"Congratulations, you did it." Jamal shakes Nico's hand. Their shoulders touch each other.

"Didn't doubt you for a second."

"Really? Not even a second." Nico teases.

"Yeah maybe."

Ghost claps as he approaches the pair. "Congratulations, you just signed your fucking death warrant."

Nico turns unimpressed by Ghost venomous threat. "I don't think it's wise to threaten me. I am the new gang leader." He says with a smug smile.

"You have the title, not the power. And now, you also have a target on your back." He spits before he leaves.

"Wow, what a sour loser." Nico rolls his eyes.

"Imagine how Rudy would take it. He's right though, you have a target on your back. You need power." Jamal pauses to greet someone approaching them. Once the person leaves, he continues. "How about you gather some of Rudy's guys that didn't fight you when you were speaking today?"

"They did exactly what Sparks said they would in face of opposition. They were neutral. I can't have those people in my gang. For now, my power is I have the police under my arm."

"The police won't stop what's coming, they never do."

"I need to go home, locked my sister up in the basement," Nico mutters leaving Jamal standing. "We will talk about this tomorrow."


Nico walks into the dining where everyone is seated, quiet, it looks like they have been waiting for his return for hours.

He feels like a kid who got into trouble with his parents. Beth must have told them everything. His hand in what happened to Sarah, killing Sparks and locking her down the basement.

Jacob is the first to stand up. "Gang leader?" He lets out a low chuckle, walking up to him. "You never really knew how to stay out of trouble, do you?

Whatever you have planned, keep it away from us. We are done." He walks away.

The twins follow him, no funny statements, no nothing.

Nico doesn't really care about Jacob's statement, even though he expected a worse reaction giving everything.

What he cares about is the girl with the sad eyes standing up and approaching him, "I am so stupid. I thought when you get out of prison we could be one big happy family. I was wrong." She mutters.


She walks away ignoring his call.

Beth is the next person to stand and approach him.

"You didn't tell them," Nico says.

"The little they know is already disappointing. Unlike you, I don't want to break their heart. I hope you have a plan because Rudy ain't gonna sit and watch." She spits before she walks out.

Nico doesn't know if he should be grateful to Beth or to beware of her. She has something planned as well, and he doesn't really like the idea of her keeping his secret.

The last person he expects to still be here is seated.

He sighs, walking up to the table. "How many times will I have to put a gun to your head before you finally leave this place?"

In actuality, he wants to say he's sorry but his mouth says another thing.

Gianna rolls her eyes as she stands up. "Well, you are welcome."

"W-what?" He lets out a low chuckle as she walks up to him.

"You are welcome." She repeats, standing to inform of him.

"Care to elaborate?" He licks down on his lips.

"Did you really think I was scared when you put a gun to my head? Oh please," She takes a step closer. "I knew you would do shit the minute you drove away Nico,"

"Really?" He can't hide the amusement on his face.

"Yes, Beth couldn't leave because she believed I was scared for my life. So you are welcome."

His eyes move from her lips to her eyes, then back at her lips. He takes a step closer as well, trying not to show intimidation.

He's quite intimidated, she's intoxicating.

"Why?" That's all he can manage to ask.

"Because I'm stupid," She closes the gap between them, "Or maybe because I have realized I like to see you win." Her breath fans his face.

Both their heart racing, but they are strong to keep a tough exterior like they aren't thinking about tearing each other apart. Who will give in?

"Why?" He asks smugly.

"You know why?" She whispers.

Nico throws his head back letting out a low laugh before looking at her.

"You really aren't scared of me you say?" He drops his head, with a frown on his face. A dangerous gaze, animalistic and primal, she hasn't seen it before.

It excites her, makes her stomach churn and a sensation hits her lower stomach, in between her legs.

Nico in a swift move grabs her neck and pushes her to the nearest wall.

Gianna's brain is no longer her's, her urges have taken over and there's no controlling it.

Nico bring his mouth to her ear, "How about now?" He fans her earlobe.

"Tighter," She whispers into his ears as well.

They both stop for a second to look at each other, and the wildness in both their eyes is permission enough to take out all the sexual frustration they have pent up since they set eyes on each other.

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