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The simple life is not something Gianna thought she can get used to but here she is now, extremely contented with it. Her cooking has improved, at least no one eating breakfast right now is puking or faking a smile as they eat.

Everyone in the dining turns their head towards the sitting room when they hear someone come in. It's a red-headed girl caught in her walk of shame. She gives a small smile as she bends down to pick up her heels which she left in the sitting room the night before.

"Good morning," She says in a low tone before disappearing from their sight.

"Morning," Jonah is the only one that replies to her. "She is hot." He says after he hears the door close which is an indication that she is gone.

Sarah rolls her eyes as she continues reading her book.

"Who is she?" Gianna asks even though she already knows the answer.

"Nico's guest," James air quotes the word "guest."

Gianna doesn't know why she feels uncomfortable at the thought of his one-night stand. Most interactions she and Nico have had involved flirting, nothing else. They haven't even had a conversation since his fight with Jacob.

"When are your exams coming to an end?" Gianna asks changing the topic as she helps them return their plates to the kitchen since they are busy studying, with the exception of Jonah, of course.

"Next week Monday, then I am all yours." Jonah winks.

"Careful there lover boy, if you don't get your grade up then it is a summer school for you," Sarah warns.

"Why are you so negative? I have everything up here." He gestures to his head.

"You have nothing up there," James mutters.

"Well, I have you beside me."

Sarah looks down at her watch before standing up and packing her textbooks which is spread on the table. "Let's go guys." She says as she puts them in her bag.

"Thank you for breakfast, you are improving," James says following behind Jonah and Sarah.

"Good luck guys."

"What's the rush?" Nico appears at the door frame of the sitting room, he steps aside for them to pass.

Gianna's heart beats twice as fast as it normally does when she hears his voice.

"Got a paper in 30 minutes," Sarah replies as she rushes out.

"Hey stranger," Nico says with his husky voice as he walks into the dinning.

Fuck! Gianna has lost all brain cells at this moment, he sounds so hot and she isn't even looking at him.

"Good morning," She says avoiding eye contact.

"What can I do to receive a special breakfast?" Nico asks referring to the tray of food that Gianna intends to take to Jacob's room after washing the dishes.

"I don't know, get yourself beaten up."

"Well, that won't be hard with my insensitive words and my inability to fight."

Gianna chuckles, "Good, because I will love to see you beaten up,"

Nico feigns hurt by putting his hand on his chest, "That's mean. You know, when a woman is mean to a guy, she has crush on him."

"Flawless logic," Gianna locks eye with the shirtless asshole. "I will give you one. Maybe she is mean because she doesn't like him, he is an asshole and he has pointed a gun at her."

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