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Wednesday Morning. The Rae's Mansion. Angelo is having one of his closed-door meetings in his study with Alex Banks.

"What relations do you have with the Texas Cartel that will result in the kidnapping of your daughter?" Alex asks, raising an eyebrow at the irregularities in Angelo's explanation of the reason why is recently betrothed is missing.

Angelo sits upright. Alex is so different from his father, who is always easily deceived by Angelo.

"You know our business, we are bound to offend people," Angelo says.

"I know but there are lines we don't cross. Family is one of them. So why will they cross that line?"

"Because they don't abide by the code, they are barbaric. They have shown their power, now is my turn." Angelo says rubbing his hands together.

"I think you should," Alex says with a nod. "But I don't understand why I am here." He adjusts his suit.

"Well, the person kidnapped is your fiancée?" Angelo tries to reason with him.

Alex shakes his head, "I won't call her that. I haven't even given her a ring yet."

Angelo balls his fist. He has always disliked Alex since he was a kid. He thought his friend will give his empire to his eldest son, Jason; He is more gullible and easy to manipulate. Imagine is anger when he found out is given to Alex.

He was not even comfortable giving any of his daughters to Alex but he has to. He is hard to read and therefore, he is dangerous. He will admit he wished Gio is half a man Alex is.

Angelo goes straight to the point, "We need men to attack. I am running short in manpower"

Alex lets out a little chuckle. From the beginning of this conversation, he already knew where Angelo was going to. "I don't fight wars that aren't mine to fight. But since you are my dad's friend, I can offer five competent men."

5 men? Is this a joke?

Angelo maintains a fake smile, not to show Alex that he hit a nerve. "That will be great, thanks."

"Good," Alex stands up, adjusting his suit. He stretches his hand forth for Angelo to shake. Angelo looks at his hand before he reluctantly shakes it. "If your daughter comes home safe and sound, then we can have a conversation."

Alex walks out of his study. In anger, Angelo shoves all the content on his table to the floor. Gio and Kaylee walk into the study. The first thing they notice is the mess on the ground.

"I will take this," She gestures to the ground, "has an indication that things didn't go well. "

"He doesn't buy the Texas Cartel took my daughter bullshit," Angelo says in frustration. "He is offering five men."

"That bastard," Gio cusses.

"If you were half as smart, maybe if we won't be in this bullshit." Angelo snaps.

This isn't the first time he is hearing this from his father, but it hurts the same.

"Any news about your sister?"

"I saw footage of her at a supermarket from its security camera, where she bought junk foods. We also found the car she escaped in. It was parked beside the road. I was just about to go and check it out."

"Then why are you here? Go!" Angelo yells.


She should be scared but she's intrigued by him. Not because she finds him mysteriously hot, okay, maybe that's also the reason. But she also finds herself wondering what goes on in his head. If he can know so much about her, it's her turn to know just as much about him. So here she is in the kitchen making breakfast for the twins. They are the easiest to extract information from.

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