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In the early morning of Lyra's and Harry's first Thursday at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, they found a notice on the notice-board in the common room before they left for breakfast. It said that the first years would be taking flying lessons on the grounds later that same day at three-thirty.

Nervously, Lyra and Harry decided to discuss the mandatory lessons during their trek to the Great Hall. They were excited by the idea of flying and learning the mechanics, but they had never flown very much in their magical lives.

They each ate their normal breakfast that they had accustomed themselves to and when they finished, owls swooped down to deliver mail to many children in the hall.

Hedwig came down from the sky, delivering her normal amount of letters to the children; one letter for Lyra, one letter for Harry. But today, the snowy owl seemed to have an extra piece of parchment. The outside read 'To Lyra Lupin-Black and Harry Potter.'

Confused, the two unfolded the parchment to reveal a small note written in a very untidy scrawl, saying:

Dear Harry and Lyra,

Your parents sent me a letter saying you two were interested in coming down to see me. I don't think you'll remember, but I used to visit you both often. Haven't visited in a while though, sadly.

Anyways, I know you get Friday afternoons off, so would you like to come and have a cup of tea with me around three? I want to hear all about you and your first week. Send an answer back with Hedwig.


Harry grabbed Lyra's quill, writing a small Yes, please, see you later on the back of the note before sending it off again with Hedwig.

Many others in the hall got mail, like Neville. He received a Rememberall from his grandmother. The glass ball, which was about the size of a large marble, seemed to be full of white smoke.

How it worked was if the smoke were to turn red, which it was doing as Neville held it, it meant you'd forgotten something.

Many people observed the Rememberall, including Draco Malfoy, who decided to snatch it out of Neville's hand. Draco watched Lyra, not wanting her to turn around and see what he was doing.

Ron and Harry stood to get the magical object back when Professor McGonagall approached, and successfully recovered the Rememberall after a small confrontation.

After their day full of classes, Lyra and Harry were more excited to fly. They found themselves outside in the middle of the day, three-thirty to be exact, with the rest of the first years. They were taking their required flying lesson, much to some students dismay.

Lyra and Harry were excited, as they had always wanted to fly on real brooms. James and Sirius insisted on teaching them young so they could grow up to be world-class Quidditch players. Remus and Lily, on the other hand, cared more about their safety rather than the possibility of a career in Quidditch.

When Harry and Lyra were younger, Sirius went behind his husband's back and got Baby Harry a toy broomstick that allowed Harry to fly around about two-feet above the ground. Remus was not very happy to find out about this mystery gift while Harry was unwrapping it on December 25th, 1982 at one year and five months of age.

Coincidentally, James had pulled the same trick on Lily, going behind her back and getting the same kid's broomstick for Lyra for Christmas. Lily was as unimpressed as Remus, but they had to admit, it was pretty humorous.

Now, age eleven, Harry and Lyra would be allowed to ride brooms that can fly three-feet in the air — even more if the rider wants! But, they had to learn with the rest of the first year students.

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