ii | iv. flourish and blotts

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"Not lost are you, my dear?" said a voice immediately in Lyra's ear, making her jump.

An aged witch stood, blocking her way, holding a tray of what looked horribly like whole human fingernails. She leered at Lyra, showing mossy teeth. Lyra backed away.

"I'm fine, thanks," she said. "I'm just — "

"LYRA! What d'yeh think yer doin' down there?"

Lyra's heart leapt joyously. The witch, too, jumped while the massive figure of Hagrid, the Hogwart's gamekeeper, came striding toward them, beetle-black eyes flashing over his great bristling beard.

"Hagrid!" Lyra breathed with relief. "I was lost — Floo powder — OW!"

Hagrid seized Lyra by the back of her shirt, grabbing a chunk of hair with it. Hagrid dragged her right out into Diagon Alley.

"Yer a mess!" said Hagrid gruffly, brushing soot off Lyra with enough force that she nearly knocked over a barrel as she tumbled to the ground. "Skulkin' around Knockturn Alley, I dunno — dodgy place, Ly — don' want no one to see yeh down there — "

"I know that," said Lyra with annoyance, accompanied with the roll of her eyes while she stood back up. "I told you, I was lost what were you doing down there, anyway?" she asked suspiciously.

"I was lookin' fer a Flesh-Eatin' Slug Repellent," growled Hagrid. "They're ruinin' the school cabbages. Yer not on yer own?"

"I was supposed to be with the Weasleys but we got separated," the girl explained. "I've got to go and find them. . . . "

As they set off down the street, they heard, "Lyra! Ly! Over here!"

Looking up, Lyra saw Hermione standing at the top of the white flight of steps to Gringotts. She ran down to meet them, her bushy hair flying behind her.

"'Mione!" Lyra exclaimed with enthusiasm, hugging Hermione tightly when they met up in the street.

"Hello, Hagrid — Oh, it's wonderful to see you two again — Have you gone to Flourish and Blotts yet?"

"Not yet. As soon as I've found the Weasleys," said Lyra.

"Yeh won't have long ter wait," Hagrid said with a grin.

Hermione and Lyra looked around: Sprinting up the crowded street were Ron, Fred, George, Percy, and Mr. Weasley.

"Lyra," Mr. Weasley panted. "We hoped you'd only gone one grate too far. . . . Molly's frantic — she's coming now — "

"Where did you come out?" Ron asked.

"Knockturn Alley," Hagrid revealed grimly.

"Excellent!" said George and Fred together.

"We've never been allowed in," said Ron enviously.

"Neither have I," Lyra admitted.

"I should ruddy well think not," growled Hagrid.

Mrs. Weasley now came galloping into view, her handbag swinging wildly in one hand, Ginny just clinging onto the other. That was until Ginny let go to grab around Lyra's waist tightly, fearfully.

"Thank goodness you're okay," Ginny muttered into her friend's abdomen.

"Oh, Lyra — oh, my dear — you could have been anywhere — "

"Well, gotta be off," said Hagrid when Mrs. Weasley began sweeping the soot off Lyra that Hagrid had not managed to remove. Hagrid was now having his hand wrung by Mrs. Weasley ("Knockturn Alley! If you hadn't found her, Hagrid!"). "See yer at Hogwarts!" And he strode away, head and shoulders taller than anyone else in the packed street.

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