i | xxii. the midnight duel

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Harry and Lyra announcing their addition to the Gryffindor Quidditch team was, shall we say, inspired by their dads' Howler. The only difference was that this time, it was sent from the children. They had to 'record' their message from Harry's dorm, with all his dorm mates listening.

The boys — Ron Weasley, Seamus Finnigan, Dean Thomas, Neville Longbottom, and Harry — had to listen to the usually quiet Lyra Lupin-Black shouting at her fathers. The Howler ended up having Harry's voice, Lyra's voice, and some laughter from the boys, and the Howler said:

"Hola, Papa, Dad. Hey, Uncle Prong, Aunt Flower. I have good news, so does Harold — " Lyra's voice started, but was cut-off by said boy.

" — Don't call me that, love."

"Harold and I would like to make it known to all the recipients of this lovely scarlet letter that — "

" — WE MADE THE GRYFFINDOR QUIDDITCH TEAM!" The two in question yelled simultaneously.

"Tell them how it happened, Harold!"

"Stop calling me that!" Harry fake scolded, but he didn't actually want her to ever stop calling him his 'extended name' as she called it. "Well, first off — Mum, don't be mad —"

" — Lovely. Great way to start it off, Prongslet. 'Don't be mad' gives just the right impression that we want — "

At this point, the background-boys couldn't hold their laughter in. They had always known Lyra as soft-spoken and they hadn't really talked with her enough for her to be so open and raw; she was hilarious without even trying.

" — Well I don't her mad at me! You wouldn't either! Anyways, we were in our first Flying Lesson when Neville's broom started to go nuts!"

"I was ready to kill Madam Hooch," muttered Lyra, still heated about Madam Hooch's response to Neville's broom losing control.

"She assumed Neville was flying to show off his skill on a broom, but he had no control over it. So, she just yelled at him to stop flying, to which Lyra started yelling at her about how she was handling the situation. But, as you know, Lyra yelling isn't really yelling — " Harry continued.

" — Hey! Just because I'm not going to yell at a teacher!"

"Neville ended up falling and breaking his wrist. Speaking of which, Neville, how are you feeling?" Harry asked, suddenly turning around to ask Neville about his wrist mid-speech.

"Huh? Oh! I-It's fine, thanks," Neville stuttered, not expecting to have attention on him

"That's good! Anyways, then Malfoy took the Rememberall Neville got that morning at breakfast because Neville dropped it when he fell. I tried to get it back by asking for it, but Malfoy didn't want to make it that simple — so he flew off with it."

"When I saw Draco, I asked him to give it back, but I think he was mad because of Harry, so they both flew off like idiots," the girl rambled. "The only thing Madam Hooch told us we couldn't do while she was gone was fly, and what did you do, Harold? YOU FLEW! DO YOU KNOW HOW HURT YOU COULD'VE GOTTEN?!" Lyra yelled suddenly. The affects of the too-soon full moon were coming into affect, Harry knew that as well as Lyra.

"I know, I'm sorry, Ly," Harry responded guiltily. "But if Malfoy wasn't going to give up the Rememberall that he stole, someone had to do something," he said calmly.

"Well, both of them flew off, Draco and Harry were arguing while in the air. Suddenly, Draco threw the Rememberall, so Harry flew after it. It was crazy!"

"I would've missed by a few seconds, but suddenly Lyra was in the air and catching it! I almost flew into her, too — I didn't think she'd be reckless enough to go after it, too."

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