i | xxix. dancing queen

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James and Sirius carried wolf-Lyra to the couch, which had been covered with a spare sheet as to not get blood on it, and they put her down carefully. They made sure that her right side was raised and not in contact with any surface that may cause the girl anymore discomfort.

"Ly, honey, you need to wake up so that we can help you," Sirius kept saying to her whenever she would let her eyelids close for too long. Lyra would need to stay awake long enough for Madam Pomfrey to have her take a few potions for pain before she was allowed to sleep.

"Mhm" the wolf hummed in agreement before letting her eyes shut once more. If the circumstances were not so dire, her action would be quite amusing and adorable, but due to the dangerous situation, there was no humor found from her actions.

"How about we play our song, hmm? We'll play it and I'll turn into Padfoot and we'll play a little bit," he suggested frantically, trying to keep her awake long enough to respond.

"Mr. Black! She will not be moving and playing in her current state!" Madam Pomfrey stated quickly.

"Right. Sorry, Poppy," he said while cringing. "Also, please don't call me Mr. Black — it's Sirius."

He hated being addressed so formally, especially by the name of his 'family' that disowned him for having different views than them. 'The Noble House of Black' was less than ideal to be a part of.

"Padfoot! Not the time!" James butt-in.

"Pup, we're going to play our song and we're going to sing it together, all right?"

"Mhm," the werewolf hummed lazily again.

Sirius ran over to a side table, which held a boom box that Sirius and Lyra picked up once when they visited muggle London.

Both Lyra and Sirius had a love for music, especially the music that had been coming out during the late seventies and the eighties. They liked almost all the same bands and they liked many of the songs each band released; some bands released only one-hit wonders for the two.

Sirius put in one of their favorites, Dancing Queen by ABBA. They never really knew what specifically attracted them to the song, but it just felt right and like it fit. It was the kind of song that Sirius felt he should be singing to his husband and daughter for fun, spinning them around the room playfully while over-exaggerating his singing.

He started it and slowly strut over to his daughter, who was watching him with mock annoyance as he started rolling his shoulders while walking. He gave her a big grin despite the serious situation they were caught in.

Ooh, you can dance
You can jive
Having the time of your life
Ooh, see that girl
Watch that scene
Digging the dancing queen

He lip synced into his hand, which he had curled into a tight fist. He pointed to the different people around the room while he sang.

Friday night and the lights are low

He crouched down in an instant as he sang 'low,' extending his extra hand towards the ground and flattening it so his palm was parallel to the floor.

Looking out for a place to go

He placed his hand on his upper-brow as he 'looked' around the room before heading in James' direction.

Where they play the right music
Getting in the swing
You come and look for a king

Rolling his shoulder against his friend, who was bright red as he tried to hold in his laughter at his best mate's antics, Sirius looked at him with doe-eyes while leaning his head back.

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