i | xxx. back again

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Harry woke up on September twenty-fourth in the first year boy's dormitory. He was up at an earlier time than he normally would have woken up due to his anxiety about Lyra's transformation the night prior.

He lay awake in his bed at four-thirty in the morning, waiting to decide when he should get ready to go to the hospital wing to meet up with his best friend. He wouldn't be able to leave the common room until six o'clock due to the school's rules and curfews, so there was not really any reason to dress so soon. He also didn't really fancy waiting alone in the common room until the time came when he would be allowed to leave, so he stayed under his warm covers, thinking about his friend.

Four thirty-nine passed and Harry let his eyes close, deciding he wasn't able to do anything else for at least an hour, when he would start getting ready to leave. He slept uneasily for about an hour before deciding he would just get up, get ready, and prepare what he needed for teaching Lyra later in the day.

He was excited to teach her, as it would be a way for them to spend time together like they used to before they had come to Hogwarts. They hadn't meant to spend so much time apart from one another, it was just how it worked out due to their difference in friends sometimes. Harry would have to work on being with Ly more often.

Harry grabbed his clean school uniform he would be wearing throughout his day and entered the bathroom that was in the dorm. He showered, got dressed, brushed his teeth, and ran a hand through his messy raven hair before exiting the room.

He grabbed hold of the piece of spare parchment he had used to scribble Lyra's assignments onto, his necessary books, and then left the dorm to go up the stairs and into the common room.

Upon his entry into the Gryffindor common room, his eyes set on Oliver Wood, who looked like he was just about to leave as well.

Oliver wore sporty-red robes — Quidditch robes —and held his broomstick as he paced up and down in front of the large fire in the room. He was seemingly deep in thought, so Harry decided he wouldn't bring attention to himself so he wouldn't distract the older boy. But Oliver decided to look up and saw Harry, who stood in the way for the stairs.

"Oi, Potter!" Oliver announced in a Scottish accent. "Would you tell Lupin-Black I expect both of you at the Quidditch Pitch tonight at seven o'clock for Quidditch training and to see you both in-action?" Wood asked as he approached the lone boy with black hair.

"She — um — might be a little out of it tonight, you know? Might not be to her usual level?" Harry said, trying not to expose Lyra's secret but also trying to give Oliver a heads up that she may not be able to make it.

"Why not?" Oliver questioned curiously. He didn't sound angry — which he wasn't — he was just wondering why there might be a problem.

"She's been feeling quite sick lately. It actually got bad enough that she fainted and had to go to the hospital wing on Friday because she hit her head. Madam Pomfrey might not let her fly for an extra day or two, but I'm not sure," Harry divulged.

He was happy that he had a justified excuse for why the little girl would've been in the hospital wing which, technically, wasn't false; she had been there for hitting her head, there was just more to why she would still be there, which he wasn't going to explain.

"Oh. Well if you visit then, tell her to get better soon from Wood, if you could."

"Will do, Oliver. I can try to get her to come with still, she just might not be able to fly."

"That would work, too. See you later, Potter!" Oliver called as he headed to the portrait to leave the common room, presumably to go to the Quidditch Pitch for practice.

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