i | xx. the quidditch team

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"Seeker and chaser? But first-years NEVER make the House teams. You two must be the youngest Quidditch players in — " Ron said.

" — A century — " Harry started, cutting Ron off, before he was cut-off by Lyra.

" — According to McGonagall," Lyra finished.

"Wicked!" said an enthusiastic Ron.

Ron, Harry, Lyra, and Hermione were walking down the corridor before Potions, with Ron and Lyra surrounding Harry, and Hermione and Harry surrounding Lyra. Hermione wasn't too happy about the two kids' excitement for making the team, so she stayed quiet.

She was proud, yes, but they shouldn't have flown when they weren't allowed to. But then also being rewarded, in a way, for disrespecting authority? She didn't agree with the decision, but she had no part in it.

Ron finding out about Harry and Lyra making the House Quidditch team made him excited for his two friends. He would get to watch them play on his House team as some of the youngest players he had ever seen. He was a little jealous, but those feeling were overthrown by his immense pride he had for his two best friends.

Once Lyra had found that she and Harry weren't getting punished for flying when they weren't supposed to be, she calmed down quickly. She had been thoroughly surprised when she and Harry were praised on their magnificent flying, which McGonagall said she hadn't seen in years.

Harry and Lyra were ecstatic and were excited to tell their parents about their achievement. They hoped their parents would be more proud than angry — they figured James and Sirius would be thrilled rather than disappointed in them.

Harry had been made a Chaser, similar to his father during his days at Hogwarts. Lyra couldn't exactly follow Sirius, as he had been Beater, but she thought that Seeker might be better for her. She was nervous about how her brain would handle to sporadic motions that the Snitch would make, but she would do her best — no matter if she was actually good or not.

"Hiya, Lyra!" said George, who had suddenly come up behind her.

"Hey there, Harry!" said Fred, who sneaked-up behind Harry.

"Well done, you two! Wood's just told us!" George said.

"Fred and George are on the team, too — Beaters," Ron said.

"Our job is to make sure you don't get bloodied up too bad," said George. "Can't make any promises, of course — rough game, Quidditch!"

"Brutal — but no one's died in years. Someone will vanish, occasionally — " Fred started.

" — but they'll turn up in a month or two!" With those being their final words of departure to the four first year students, the twins were gone.

"Oh, go on, Harry, Lyra. Quidditch is great!" Ron said.

"But what if we make fools of ourselves," Harry said.

He had been anxious and dubious about his abilities on a broomstick. Yes, he had flown well when he was chasing after the Rememberall, but what if that was a one-off thing? What if he never flew like that again?

Lyra was, surprisingly, calm about the whole situation. She figured it was because the fact that she was on her House's Quidditch team hadn't quite sunk-in yet and that she was still in shock from the initial situation.

"We shouldn't make fools of ourselves if we got our talent from our dads, Har," Lyra suggested. "Your dad was a Chaser, which you are now. Mine was a Beater, and Seeker is most likely more difficult, and I have to grab a tiny ball I can barely see . . ." Lyra said, now letting her doubts rise to the surface, unknowingly.

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