part 17..

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I am laying on my bed, yesterday I cried myself to sleep after listening what oppa said.

I thought about it, I thought about it for too long now, I don't even know whether it's already morning or afternoon or dawn, I am just too into my thoughts.

Was it all true what oppa said yesterday?

Was it because of taehyung that both families suffered losses??

Was it taehyung who killed my parents???


Why taehyung?? Why?! Why did I even met you?!

Why did I fall for you?

But one thing for sure, if all of it is true then Kim taehyung,

Your gonna pay a price for your doings.....


Jin hyung called me home or else I was in no mood to leave my love alone today, I slightly chuckled thinking about her.

Today I can say we are officially engaged

I can't wait to get married to her
I can't wait to see her every morning laying beside me with her head on my chest...
I have waited for all this for a long time

It's not even been an hour since the last time I met her but still I miss her strawberry scent, diamond sparkly eyes and of course her honey-like sweet voice which never fails to flutter my heart, I just want her presence 24/7 surrounding me.. only I know how much I love her...

But as always my thoughts were interrupted by certain somebody....

And it was.....

Jin hyung

JIN: I called you...... several times!
Mind letting me know where were you in the first place??

(How this man has the capacity to enquire me every time when he know everything ? I just shrugged it off and didn't bother to reply him)

JIN: I asked you something, taehyung ahh...

(He said very calmly and when he does that, he is meant to be very very serious, so I told him)

TAEHYUNG: I was out with y/n, hyung!

(To relax the atmosphere I tried to say it as playfully as I could)

JIN: again y/n

(he is quick reaction he head palmed himself)

TAEHYUNG: yes who else? Btw what's the reason you called me to come urgently....?

JIN: oh yeah, yoongi has returned to Seoul..

(I frowned at his information)

TAEHYUNG: what do you mean? Wasn't he supposed to be in Busan till next week?

JIN: our spies told otherwise

TAEHYUNG: Mind being clear, hyung?

JIN: I don't know how he got to know about you and y/n being together for today, but that's why he came early and right now he is in his house, so before you do any more stupidity, I called you home.

(I smirked looking at the empty space in the room)

TAEHYUNG: I didn't thought he would find out this early, he has a great sense like before....

(I looked at Jin hyung in a grateful manner)

Thanks Jin hyung otherwise I don't want to imagine how much lecture I would've received from yoongi's side, but now my love has to go through it alone.

( I pouted at Jin hyung but he still had that serious face on)

JIN: You still don't call yoongi as hyung....

( I sighed heavily before replying him in a tough and not interested manner)

TAEHYUNG: I've got a reason for that, don't I?
After what he did, he lost his respect from my side...

JIN: taehyung ahh, learn to let things go... It's always happens for the best.

TAEHYUNG: NO HYUNG! Nothing happened years ago was supposed to happen! Nothing happened for the best

( I said sending flares with my every word)

I-it has always been the worst.....

But now not anymore!
After I marry y/n,
Everything will be the way I want!
Everything will be the way I wanted from the start!

And this time I will not let yoongi come in my way at ANY cost!

I won't let him take her away from from me again!

(I sat on my chair and rubbed my temples to control my gesture, on the other side I saw Jin hyung sighing deeply and said this before leaving the room)

JIN: you will again end up hurting yourself..

(Jin in mind: but along with y/n)

To be continued...


A/N: okay, Now I know this part was not lengthy but that's okay, tell me when do you want me to upload next mood is very good today, so I can upload next part too💖💖

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Thanks 4 reading!!!😘😘

Have a nice day....😘😘😘

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