part 21..

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I came home and first man I saw was Jin hyung....he was on call talking with somebody about guns and stuffs, enquiring whether everything was in place or not.. but as soon as he saw me, he hanged up the call and came towards me with worry visible in his eyes..

JIN: What happened?? why are you crying?!

(I realized that my cheeks were still stained with tears but they were dried, leaving my red puffy eyes...I took a deep breath before replying)

TAEHYUNG: I told her everything....

(I expected Jin hyung to be shocked, but he looked satisfied, his all worries were just kind of vanished listening this news)

JIN: About everything?

(He simply questioned me leaning a bit forward while holding my one arm softly in confirmation, I replied his question with  just a nod)

JIN: What was her reaction???

(He was being impatient, I know Jin hyung for all these years, he was like a parent to me...He was someone who could understand anything going in my mind, He know every spec of my life, Therefore I never hesitate to share anything with him...Even if I didn't tell him he either way finds it out)

TAEHYUNG: I can't tell...It was like she was pretty confused or sad or disappointed or even some point.

(He looked at the ground and nodded his head many times while placing his hands on his hips and continued)

JIN: Acceptable. If I was in her place I would be the same...I was telling you to stay away from her just because I thought yoongi can hurt you, but it's okay if you trust her so much...
I was concerned for know?

(He hit my arms playfully and I chuckled at his silliness)

TAEHYUNG: I do understand you hyung! You were there when nobody was...
I am always grateful towards you...

(I said smiling cheekily)

JIN: OH MY GOD!!! Who are you??
Where is my taehyung???! Did you kidnap him?! Or Did you ate him??

( I looked at him and saw him dramatically covering his whole mouth and nose with his both hands, he also widened his eyes to the point they would pop out)

TAEHYUNG: yeah yeah. I get it!

(He just shrugged goofily and again turned a little serious)

JIN: well, I am proud of you... At least you dared to tell her the truth..
I thought you wouldn't...

( He was trying to control his laugh so much..Does he think I am a coward or something?!?)

TAEHYUNG: How could I have done that when she clearly threatened me while holding our wedding hostage?

JIN: oh..did she?? Hahaha...she threatened you? Oh gosh.... It's even funny from my dad's jokes.. hahahaha

( He laughed so hard which made me a little embarrassed)

TAEHYUNG: Believe it or not! She did and only she can do that... My love is always special for me....By the way what's for dinner, eomma?

(I know that he will get damn angry on me for calling him eomma, but I just can't help it! It's So good to have him in my life..I prepared myself to sprint away before teasing him)


(And he blasted, I immediately ran towards my room and locked the door of my room)

TAEHYUNG: ahh Jin hyung, How can I ever repay your kindness?

(I whispered smiling)


I am currently in front of oppa's room, I told him everything which taehyung told me and it's clear from his smug look face...

He.isn't.pleased ....but I can understand my oppa, it must have been so hard for him to handle everything at a young age...

But anyway I'll start my 'Mission Best Friends' from today....and I will make sure they both are in good terms like before, my love life can wait for my brother's sake...
After all I love my brother...

But I need somebody's help for all this...
For convincing oppa I am enough since I live with him
But about taehyung.....
I need someone whom I can trust and also knows about taehyung's whereabouts...
Ohh who can it be then???

I think I know whom to contact.....

??? POV

Ahh I am so tired...I just want to sleep soundly...


This world is clearly cruel! Can't even let a poor man sleep!

I glanced at the caller ID and it said 'unknown'...

I still picked it up...


???: Hello? Who's this?

??: Your future Sis-in-law...

???: Y/N??

Y/N: I need your help, Jimin-ahh...

To be continued...


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