Number 2

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Alex. Alex. Alex, wake up. Said her granddad. Granddad? What happened? DJ. Treaya, where are they? Asked Alex, worried. We're fine. Said DJ. Yeah. Agreed Treaya. You know for a heavy smoker you're a lightweight. Said Mupo sitting at a table. What is he doing here? Did he hurt you? Said Alex trying to get up. No, no, no I'm fine. I and your little friend here agreed. Said Alex's granddad.

Yeah, what type of agreement? Asked Alex. The type of agreement that's going to make me rich. Said Mupo eating crackers snacks. Right, let us catch you up to date. See, this rock. Said DJ sitting next to Alex. I know the story. Is this why you called me here? So, I guess the wanting to spend time with me was fake huh. Said Alex angrily.

Yes and no. Yes, I put some lies in that letter, but I also put something very real in that letter. I really do want to spend time with you. It's just, something very important happened. I found another. Said grandad holding Alex by the shoulders. Another. Another what? Asked Treaya. Another key. My grandad believed that a long time ago.

A prophet came and spoke to seven families. Each family received different messages and with each message came a gift with a key. All families accepted their messages and gifts. After doing so the prophet gave them the key. It cracked into little pieces. The prophet said, "You have been chosen to prove to the gods what Yashuwa couldn't. Be not a beast of the earth, be and just.

Your bloodline is now and forever true. Find the others so that you may save the people of this rock.) Then, he vanished. For some reason, my grandad believes this prophet talked to some pilot who found the edge of some dome and gave him a message to give it to him. Said Alex. He did. It was a message telling me where to find this rock. Said Alex's grandad grabbing the rock out of his safe.

Wow, look at it. Said Mupo. It's glowing. Said DJ examining the rock. So, this other key is a person? Asked Treaya. Yes. Answered Alex's grandad. And you found him? Asked Treaya. Yes. Answered Alex's grandad. So where is this person now? Asked DJ. He is on his way here now. I got in touch with him some days ago. He seemed happy to hear that I was looking for him. He works part-time as a bartender down in New Ohio.

He's homeless. Said Treaya. It sounds like you called a payphone he was sleeping in. Said Mupo laughing. Hey, weren't you homeless? Asked Treaya. Yeah, but then I hit the top score on Gun Grounds winning the big 3 million dollars. Said Mupo, dropping a tear. Yeah, then he made Total Gunner. Said one of Mupo's men. Yeah, and thanks to the new advances in the VR family.

Total gunner became. Said the other men. De most popular game of the century. What's this guy got going for himself other than a guaranteed conversation about why he or she doesn't love me anymore. Said Mupo getting up out of his seat. Okay, that was funny. Said DJ laughing.

So, when is this other key going to be here? Said Alex. He's not a key, he's a. Said DJ just before Alex interrupts him. DJ if you say person, I'm going to smoke the last of my Stuart Little without you. Said Alex not looking at DJ. Okay, okay let's just calm down. Hey, you go let me know when you are about to smoke it right? Asked DJ standing at the room's door, about to leave.

Bye, DJ. I'm sure she'll call you. So, what's with the high-tech gramps? Asked Treaya, studying the device from the door. Yes, it is called Rebot. Rebot? Said Treaya. What type of name is that? Said Alex. Well, its name came from its own ability. What this robot does is like none other. It can change molecules in the air and make different types of energies. It can even change the way it looks. Said Alex's grandad. Air? Asked Alex. Well, that's impossible. Our tech hasn't reached that level yet.

In fact, we are just now getting VR. Said Treaya. Yeah, but that's not our tech. Said Alex's grandad. Where did it come from? Asked Treaya. A different rock. Said Alex's grandad. A different rock? Said Treaya. Yes, as you may know, earth, or what we call earth is covered by a dome. This dome was put here back when the first ice age happened. Our planet was visited by who we call gods. They evolve so much faster than we do. They discovered space travel back when we were too dumb to know caves can keep us safe when the winter comes.

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