The Battle Haven't Even Started Yet pt. 2

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We returned two months ago back to Yasmine on her way to the location of the dome battery.

Okay, Grand Master BK said, "you'll be able to sense them once you unlock your spiritual powers. Let's see. Yasmine started flying with her eyes closed sensing all of the different types of energy. Suddenly, she senses a huge amount of Chi. Whoa, who is that? Whoever it is, I sure hope they're on our side. She then took off. I have to find this cave. She suddenly came across a large amount of Chi, while flying over the rainforest. It seemed to be coming from the ground as if it was everywhere.

She saw this spot behind a lot of trees where the Chi flowed the strongest. She flew down to check it out. It's a temple and the shape of a pyramid. She went into the temple. The key started to glow and steer her through the cave. It led her to a huge rock wall carved with giant markings and otherworldly writings. She put the key up to the wall. It jerked like a magnet to another. She tried to move her hand but the key wouldn't move.

So she tried to move it, but this time she would use her newly attained spirit power. She pulled and suddenly the door moved. Dust shot out from the cracks, causing Yasmine to let go of the key to cough. As Yasmine tries to clear the dust and find the key. The door suddenly opens and she is covered by rock and pulled into the door. It shuts afterward.

The rock uncovers her and to her surprise, it's giants standing in front of her with torches in their hands. Who are you and why do you have this key? Yasmine started to answer. I, um. Then one of the giants came up. The other giant stepped aside to let him through. Come with a young human girl. Yasmine followed him through the cave until she saw a light. They made it to the end of the tunnel and Yasmine could only say one thing. This so gets it.

Welcome to Dommonia. It looked so peaceful. Yes, for the giant race being calm at all times is a must, and as you can see we use earth bending to stay relaxed and calm. Yasmine hung her head over the rock to see as much of the city as she could as they flowed over it to the made part of the city. Wow and that's-Yes that is the dome's battery. You could have come at a more perfect time. The dome is reset again. How do you know when it is going to reset? Well, the creators of the dome set it to reset every seven hundred years. We have two months and some days left.

To be honest I'm happy it's you and not a dark fighter. Where did they come from anyway? Space. They warned us of their coming. But we were so blind by our hatred for each other, that when the time came for the dome to reset for the first time no one was ready. The dark fighters had gotten through. Years after that the great war started. And you guys did what? Stay down here, while the war went on up there. The giant picked Yasmine up by her neck with earth bending.

Never disgrace the giant race. This wasn't always our home. We used to live in an underground city named Giccur. We Hiccup after being rejected by the people who wanted us to help them. But I was stubborn and didn't want anything to do with the humans. We were blindly attacked during the celebration of my firstborn son. He and my wife were both lost that day. Most of us made it out. Thanks to help from some humans, my wife helped when we were younger. I'll tell you about it someday.

So what do we do until then? Well, I can train you to use earth bending. I mean that's if you haven't already activated one. An ability? No, I haven't. I see. I was wondering why I didn't sense any Chi coming from you. But, then what was that huge amount of Chi I felt earlier? I don't know. I felt it too. Well, let's begin. The giant king placed his hand on Yasmine's head and started pouring Chi into her body. Yasmine's body started to glow. There. The giant king said letting go of her head. Whoa, so Chi is real. Yasmine said, checking herself out. Now, let's begin your earth-bending training.

Week one.

Yasmine, you have the basic movements down. Now you have to use those movements to gather up earth Chi from the earth.

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