We Most Stop Reese

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We return to Justin and the gang driving down a road to reach the prison where Justin's mom is being held.

Are you boys ready for some killing? Asked Mupo. Yeah! Yelled everyone in Mupo's car. Just after that, the helicopter carrying Karah finally caught up with them. Hey, you think we are close. Asked the DJ looking out the window. No, we've got a little longer to go. Why? Replied to Mupo driving. Cause there's a huge helicopter coming our way. Said DJ panicking. Go, go, go, go, go. Mike yelled.

Do not worry, this baby is not even moving yet. Mupo flipped a switch which opened a secret compartment. He pressed the button inside. Let's get sonic. Just as the car was about to take off, the helicopter shot something onto Mupo's car, stopping it.

So much for going sonic. Said Justin. Now we are trapped, like flies. Said DJ dunking down. Here they come. Yell Jake. Everyone got quiet. Someone knocked at the door. Everyone readied their guns. Justin honey it's me, your mom. Said Karah. Dude, she said she's your mom' Said DJ. Justin stopped and looked at everyone. Going. Said Justin. Yes, and when you open the door, I will blast her. Said Mupo aiming his gun.

No, don't do anything. I'm going to open the door. Just opened the door. The door opened from bottom to top. Justin could picture his mom and the last time he had seen her. As the door passes by her face, Justin places the mom he remembers next to Karah. Justin. She said,

Justin stood there. Mom. Said Justin. They both hug. Moments later. So, you were coming out here to rescue me? Asked Karah. Yeah, that was before I knew you had already escaped. Said Justin Okay, it's great and all that, you got your mom back. But who is going to fix my darned car? Said Mupo.

Back at grandpa's house. Okay, here's the last ingredient. Said Treaya, dropping it into the robot. Great, now close the box. When Justin gets here. I Will place my device into the robot, and it will create the gem needed to power the next robot. Said the Protector.

So why do you die? Asked Treaya. Well, like them, I wear a suit. Once you reach a certain age, the suit will keep you at that age for many ages. I am 478 years old. Once my suit loses its power I will begin to age at a rapid speed. Turning into dust. Said the Protector.

Seems like you guys figured out the meaning of life. Suggested Treaya. No, but we have an idea of what makes life so special. Said the Protector. Yeah, what is it? Just as Treaya said that Alex and Jimmy came in through the back door.

Whoa, what the fuck is that? Said Alex. Number 1, number 3. I see you've already started your train. Said the Protector. This is a Protector. He's here to bring Justin his bot's. Said Treaya. Oh, my Mom's Treaya. I missed you so much. There were giants and this crazy strong guy named Reese. Oh, and a dinosaur. But I will tell you more later. Said Alex.

Treaya freaks out. Oh my god please tell me you didn't do anything with him. Said Treaya holding Alex. No, I know you love him. Plus, I do not want you coming after me in my sleep, because you know I watched you beat up DJ in your sleep one time. He told me not to bring it up though. Whispered Alex. So, it has already started. Said the Protector. What has already started? Asked Alex's grandad. Number 4 has lost his way. You must save him number 3. Your friend feels as if he's not in control of his life. Said the Protector. You must tell me; how do I find him? Asked Jimmy.

He must first complete his destiny. Then he will come to you. Said the Protector. He will come to me. Said Jimmy. So where is Justin? Say, where DJ? Asked Alex. They went to rescue Justin's mom. Oh, and Mupo went as well. Said Treaya.

Well, wake me when they get here. Cause boy do I have a story for all. I'm going to sleep. My body feels like a gel. Say, Jimmy. You can stay with DJ and Justin. Said Alex. I wonder where he is now. Thought Jimmy.

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