Men in Black Suits

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We return to the club with Alex, DJ, and Supo. On my left, I have Supo (the crowd goes crazy) and on my right, I have Double Shawty (some people cheer but not as much). Suppose the winner. A rapper who was just a moment ago a part of the worst rapper group. Give it up for Supo. The host shouted.

Did we win? We won. Shouted Alex hugging DJ. I told you. Said DJ blushing. Come on, let's go. Said Alex. And here are the two lucky people who were the only ones to bet on Supo. Alex and DJ, thank you, guys. I couldn't have done this without you guys. Give another cheer to my managers. Said Supo.

Hand me that tool. Said Alex's grandad. This? Wow, it looks like an egg. Said Treaya nodding off. Gone and get some sleep darling. I finish what I can. Said Alex's grandad helping Treaya to her bed. Rebot, make me a sandwich. Said Mupo. It doesn't do that. But if you're bored, you can help me with something. Said Alex's grandad.

Finally, the killing comes. Mupo laughed. If it comes to it. Patrol the house and make sure nobody tries to get in. I'm going to be doing something and I need to be safe. Remember the people we talked about. Well, they're going to be highly equipped and skilled. Can I count on you for this? Said Alex's grandad.

Yeah old man I told you I'm the best weapon slash nose breaker around. Said Mupo. Well just in case here use these. Said Alex's grandad. What are they? Said Mupo, grabbing a weapon. These are never seen before weapons. Said Alex's grandad. Yeah old man we know that. Tell us about what they do. Said Mupo. Yeah, and how to shoot'em. Said one of Mupo's men.

Well, first you need to charge it here. With one charge you get 23 shots. This is the trigger. Hold it here and shoot. It has auto-tracking and a friendly fire detector. Said Alex's grandad. Aw, these things are awesome. Seems like a gun I need and my game. No man in black here. I'm man-lin-yair.

You know, like a millionaire. Whatever it will catch on. Said Mupo posing. Back to Alex, DJ, and Supo leaving the Rapper's Wave Club. I can't believe we just won. Heck, I can't believe I just did that. Who are you guys? Asked Supo to get in the backseat of Alex's car. Dude now is where we split up. I gave you your share of the money. Said Alex.

Yeah, I thought since we won and I'm your artist. Maybe I could stay with you guys. You know just until I find this person I'm looking for, that's why I'm in Chicago anyway. Said Supo. Maybe your grandad can let him stay for a while. I mean we are going to need more money tomorrow, and he is at the top of his career right now.

Plus, my room has an extra bed. Said DJ smoking and counting money. Cool, so I'm in. Said Supo hugging the back of their seats. Oh my god, another Treaya. Fine, but remember I'm your manager, not your friend. Said Alex turning on the music loudly.

Okay. Yelled Supo. Supo watched through the back window as they drove off. Another car light came on and slowly followed.

Group chat started.

(Jake): hey

(Mike): hi

(Jake): What are you doing?

(Mike): nothing.

I'm cold.

(Jake): me too

Remember what Alex said about the boss's pants?

(Mike): LMFAO

You do know you added me to the chat group. You idiots. Said Mupo through the earpieces.

Back in the car. Are you guys hungry? Asked Alex. I can eat. Said DJ was still smoking. Look at the rock, it's glowing. But it's not coming from them, make a left here. Said a woman and the following car. Alex pulls up to a Wen Mc King's. Can I take your order, please? Yes, I'll have three orders of the number 22, please.

That will be 3 orders of six double cheeseburgers with fries and a drink? Yes. 13.69$ is your total. Hey, can you add a shake with that? Said DJ. The milkshake machine is down. Damn them bitches go be broke forever huh. Said DJ. Back at the house. Here, the rock indicates that a book is here.

Let's get it. Two books in one night. The boss is going to give us a raise for this one. Come on. The four-book hunters exit the car. Stick together. They sneak around to the back of the house where Tom is. Tom doesn't notice them getting close while he plays a phone game. Tom finally looks up. They fired at him. I'm taking shots. Shots fired. Said Tom to the others.

Now, to activate you. Alex's grandad said, giving ReBot the demands needed to make fuel for Neubot. Using the material Alex's grandad laid out, ReBot starts making fuel as instructed in the book. Back outside. How many? Said Tom. I think like 4. Said Mike. You know what that means. Said Mupo. 4 Birds? Asked Mike. 4 Birds. Said Mupo giving the signal to go.

In front of the house, Alex arrives. Come on, I'll introduce everyone. Said DJ. Hey, you guys hear that. Sounds like shooting. Said Supo running to go check it out. Hey, stop, we're not from here. We don't run towards the gunfire. DJ shouted, reaching for Supo. Come on, my grandad might need my help. Alex pulled DJ along.

What's going on here? Said Supo. Who are you? Asked Mike. Where's my grandad? Said Alex running up. He's inside. Said Mupo. Whose shooting at you? Asked DJ. Suddenly a ball rolls in front of Alex. Watch out. Said Supo, grabbing Alex and falling to the floor.

They should be frozen. Come on while we have a chance. Go get the book from them and we'll go get the one from inside. Said the woman dressed in black. I got this. Now which one of you has the book, bingo! Said the guy checking DJ's bag of money.

Hey. Supo knocked the guy unconscious. He looks like the same guy I saw when I first came here. I felt like I kept seeing him everywhere. You know as we were leaving the Wave, I saw some people following us. Said Supo. Now you want to tell me this. How long do you think they're going to be like this? Alex popped the DJ on the nose.

Who knows? Come on, we got to go help your grandpa. Said Supo grabbing Jake's gun. Right, let's go. Just as Alex and Supo entered the house they were blown back by an explosion coming from the lab. Out came the other three Book Hunters. Laser beams were coming from the lab. As the book hunters made their way to the backdoor.

Supo attempts to punch one of the Hunters but is stopped by the woman Book Hunter. We'll be back for that book old man, and when we do things will be different. Said the woman Book Hunter. The others. They're still outside. Supo rushed to them.

Oh, thank god you're all alright. Come on, let's get them inside. Said Alex dragging Mupo to the ground. After managing to get everyone inside, Alex and Supo went to check on Alex's grandad. Hey, so what were those lights, and what made them? Asked Alex.

Say hello to Neubot. I put him back together today. It and ReBot made those beams. They combine to make different things. This time they became a weapon. They're the reason the book is still safe in my vault. That's awesome. Said Alex's grandad. So, what does Neubot do? Asked Alex. While it can create matter out of anything. Said Alex's grandad.

So, it's just like ReBot? Said Alex sitting at the bar. No, they are very different. One renews the other creates, and who is this? Asked Alex's grandad. Oh right, he's Supo. He's a rapper and the DJ is managing for a short time and he needs a place to sleep, so we thought he could stay here for a while. Alex walked towards the couch with her drink.

Yeah, and I'm sorry for the trouble. Those guys followed me from the club. I think they want my mother's book. It's been handed. Said Supo just before being interrupted by Alex's grandad. The Book. How? But, but Where? You must be number two? Asked Alex's grandad. Shocked, Alex dropped her drink and lit a joint.

This is real. It can't be. Thought Alex. So, who was your mother? Ask Alex's grandad. Her name was Karah Mytus. Answered Supo. Yes, you're from the Crystle family huh? That must make you Justin, Justin Mytus. Said Alex's grandad. Yes, that is my name. But who are you and how do you know about the book? Asked Justin.

We are the Ruth family. I'm her grandad and she's number one. Which makes your number two? We too have the same book. Though a few pages are messed up, it's still readable. But, to even more important matters. Now that you two are finally here. We can get on to business. Said Alex's grandad. Business? What business? Asked Alex.

Well with the help of Rebot and Neubot, you two and your woe are going to go find number three. Said Alex's grandad. Wait what the heck is a woe? Asked Alex. Your group. Your gang. Your circle or whatever you kids call it nowadays. Alex's grandad responded. It's called a bundle. You fuck with one of us, you get the rest for free.

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