Catch Me I'm Falling

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After finding number 2, the team is not in California hoping to find number 3. Alex, have we arrived yet? Because I really must go to the restroom. Said DJ in the back seat. Just a few more blocks and you'll be able to use his restroom. Said Treaya in the front passenger seat. I think it was those cheese fries I got from Sean Wells. Said DJ holding his stomach.

I told you not to get the cheese fries. Said Justin eating a double cheeseburger. I don't see how you guys can even eat the stuff; don't you know meat is just another word for muscle. You might as well just cut off an arm grind up the muscle and make a muscle burger. Because that's what you're eating. Said Treaya eating a granola bar.

Yeah, well for those of us who use their K-9 teeth. We'll continue naming our muscles and gaining muscles. Right, Alex. Said DJ. I can go without meat. But then I'm going to need a beef buffet. Alex said. So, tell me again why your grandad and Mupo didn't come with us and why we got the ugly book? Asked Treaya to read the book.

We're here. Said Alex. Great, let me out. Said DJ. Come on, let's go before something happens to him. Said Alex. Should we activate them? Said Justin. Look, who's that walking up to the house? I thought he wasn't home or maybe they don't know he's not home. Either way, they might know how to find him. Said two guys sitting in a car a few houses down.

Was this door always unlocked or did DJ break it open? Said Justin walking in first. Wow, look at this place. Oh my god is this a Grand Troy? I heard of people making these, but I never saw one made so perfectly. He named it Paulina. Said Treaya reading the name carved into the machine.

It's more tech here than in your house, Treaya. Said Alex. I wonder where DJ went, you think he found a restroom in all of this? Justin mumbled while walking through the rest of the house. Oh god yes, a restroom. Whoa, that door almost took off my good parts. Said DJ preparing to use the small restroom.

You guys, be careful. I'm assuming if he's got this much tech, there's got to be trapped. Traps that would only hurt humans and not this beautiful masterpiece. Hey, what's this? Looks like clouds in a small bubble. Said Alex about to poke it. Don't touch that. That's a very powerful knock-out gas storm.

Just after Treaya said that the door was kicked in. Don't move. What are you kids doing here? You do know this home belongs to a very dangerous person. We're going to have to bring you in for questioning. Said the two guys that were sitting in the car. We're sightseeing. Said Justin.

Yeah, I heard about that Grand Troy over there and I just had to come to see if it was real. Said Treaya. Well, we're still going to have to take you guys in for questioning. Now get over there and turn around. Said one of the two guys. Right now, would've been a good time to release that gas. Said Treaya. See what happens when you don't let me touch things. Said Alex.

Okay, now how do I flush this? DJ notices a small sign on the wall above the toilet. Thanks for whipping. Wow, now that is Kool. With all this sanitary stuff. So, I pop the bubble and it flushes. Said DJ reading the sign and popping the bubble. Clouds started coming out of it and thunder and released gas everywhere. Then the toilet flushed.

It flushed. Said DJ, already affected by the gas. I got you. Whoa, what's that smell, you really blow it up in there huh? Said Justin catching DJ as the restroom door opened. Don't breathe it in, it's knockout gas. Said DJ before falling out. I got to get back to the others. Said Justin as all the bubbles began to pop in the house.

Hey, where'd you find that book? Said one of the men. It's mine. I came in here with it. Said Treaya. See now I feel a little better about what we had planned for you. I just didn't think we'd be doing it so soon. Which one of you is it? Said one of the men pointing a gun at them. Then the bubble popped.

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