The Battle Haven't Even Started Yet pt.1

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We return to the team, getting ready for training. The team is ready to train and enters the training room. They stand next to each other. Alex steps forward. Let's do this. Karah smiled. It feels good to be back in a suit. Yeah. Derek said, agreeing with his arms crossed. First, you'll learn about Chi control. Having control over your Chi can save your life or win you a fight. Nathen steps up. I'll pass on this. I think I know enough about Chi to skip the beginners class. Oh yeah. While stepping up.

Nathen walked up and put up his guards. Now, I'm going to hit you with my Chi. Your job is to stop me from using your Chi. Nathen focused to get all his Chi to come out. It covered his whole body. I see you've learned to use Chi. But, can you control it? Karah focused her Chi into her fist. I will only be using one hand for this. Karah got into her stance. Nathen did the same. I'm ready when you are.

Karah put up one finger and placed the other hand behind her back. She went for an attack. Nathen instantly moved around her. Oh, so you're fast I see. Nice ability. Derek grunted. Him again. Karah went in for another attack. But this time she walked. She started poking at him. Nathen easily dodged each one. It's already over. Derek said, still watching.

Karah stopped moving. Now. She said pointing her finger up. Suddenly nine purple chi dots appeared around him. This is my ability. Stick. Karah went for another attack. This time she moved faster. Nathen instantly moved. Not a moment later, Karah disappeared as well. Whoa, where is she? Ask DJ. Nathen stopped and looked back to see where she was. Suddenly everyone gasped. Then Nathen felt a poke on his shoulder.

Nathen jumped. But, how? Derek walked up. It's called a sticker. She can make herself appear anywhere her Chi is. Once her Chi touches you, they become stuck to you until she releases them. But, she never touched him. Said Alex. True, she didn't. But he ran right into them. Said Jimmy. Huh? Each time she pointed she placed a small dot of Chi. So when he moved back the other way the dot was still there. The extra dots were just that.

Correct. I see why Reese liked you. Now, let's begin. If your Chi isn't unlocked, step up. One by one Derek opened their Chi. Alex, Jimmy, DJ, and Justin. The last to get their Chi opened was Treaya. Treaya walked up and placed her hands to her sides. Derek placed his hand on her head and started putting some of his own Chi into her body to unlock her Chi. Suddenly, Treaya's Chi appears. It overpowers Derek's Chi. Treaya's eye went to the back of her head. She started to float.

Treaya, you have to control it. Yelled Karah. She attempted to reach her but Treaya Chi was too much. Suddenly, Treaya's Chi got stronger. She screamed as she floated upwards. Her Chi was so strong, it made a beam appear through the mansion and into the sky.

Back on the island in Giccur. Awzu is still fixing the city. Whoa, I haven't had Chi like that in a while. Yasmine, on her way to her next location, senses Treaya's Chi. Whoa, who is that? Whoever it is, I sure hope they're on our side. She said before taking off. It could even be felt inside the alien spaceship. What the, who Chi is that.? Suddenly, everyone bows down. Kocey noticed and turned around.

Kocey. I sensed a strong Chi level coming from the earth. You're not fighting without me now, are you? No sir. I trust whatever or whoever it is won't stop your progress will it? No sir. I've captured the one with three devices already. His being studied as we speak sir. Good, as she'll be there in two months. So be ready. When that dome resets. Your job is to keep it open. So that my army can make it through. Yes sir. Then, that is what I will do.

Back at the mansion, Treaya is finally calming down. Her Chi disappears and she starts to fall. Treaya fainted. Jimmy quickly flows over to catch her. Your just full of surprises aren't you. Jimmy? You caught me again. Treaya said waking up. I will always be there to catch you whenever you fall. They hugged. Jimmy, take her upstairs to rest. Yes sir. As for the rest of you. Your training starts now.

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