Aunt Yelena

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Warnings~none I don't think
Not proof read (like always)

Warnings~none I don't think Words~1019Not proof read (like always)

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Y/n's POV
Mum has been very 'busy' lately. Whenever I go to ask her to hang out with me she is always either busy or hanging out with Peter. I'm her daughter and she spends more time with spider boy, who may I add, she only met a few months ago.

For example, the other day I wasn't in the best moods because some friends at school all went out without me and I never got invited. Great friends they were. Anyways, I had asked her if we could go in a walk or watch a movie or just do something to occupy myself for a few hours.

*time jump (ig?) to last week*

"Hey mum. Can we go do something for a bit?" I asked her. She looked up from the desk in her room and replied, "Sorry Y/n, I can't I've got work to do" and immediately went back to doing work. "Oh ok, can we possibly do something later, you know when your done?" I asked. She didn't even look up this time she just responded with, "I can't, I'm busy later." I silently nodded and walked out.

A few hours had passed and I went down into the living room. "Hey guys, do you know where my mum is?" I asked the team. Steve looked up from his book to answer my question "She went out with Peter about an hour ago" he said with a smile.

I went back to my room and tried to find things to entertain myself. If my mum didn't want to spend time with me then I just assumed no one in the team would.

*back to present time*

It's been like what ? A week now? She hasn't talked to me once. Great mother she is. I was going to say something to her but it wasn't worth it. I mean she would probably tell me to go away because she had things to do.

I decided to go somewhere by myself. Where? I had no idea. I was walking down the street as an idea came to mind. Aunt Yelena! I haven't seen her in a while.

I made my way to her house, she said I'm always welcome and if I ever needed to come over, to walk through the back door. So that's exactly what I did.

"Yelena!" I called out. She came out the kitchen in a cute, yellow apron. She had flour everywhere. It was pretty funny.

"Hey sweet pea, how come you're here?" She asked. "Not that it's a problem" she quickly added.

I sighed before saying. "Mums been ignoring me for a week, and we've not done anything in ages. She always hanging out with spidey!" I frowned as tears formed in my eyes, which I quickly blinked away, hoping she didn't notice. But she did. Of course she did. She's a trained assassin like her sister, she could read everyone like a book.

She quickly dusted off her hands, getting all the flour off of them, and opened her arms for me. I accepted the hug, wrapping my arms around her. "Let it out bubs" she whispered. I immediately started crying, letting the weeks worth of emotions out, into her chest. She rubbed my back as I let out my sobs.

After a few minutes I had somewhat stopped crying and was only sniffling. We had moved over to the sofa and she sat down next to me. I wrapped my arms around her and she turned the tv on.

We had been watching tv for a bit, Yelena was texting quite a lot but I didn't look at her phone because I didn't want to invade her privacy. She turned to look at me, "you're going to be living her with me for a week" she said. I looked up at her, eyebrows pulled forward in confusion. "How come?" I asked.

"Well your mum has been very busy and the only reason she's been ignoring you, is so that she can get all her paperwork done so she can spend time with you. Fury has given her stack upon stacks of paperwork she needs to fill out as soon as possible. So when she's done with that she can spend almost everyday with you without interruptions." Yelena stated.

That made a little more sense, but how come she's been hanging out with Peter a lot? 

"Why has she been hanging out with Peter a lot then ?" I asked. "Well, he's been trying to get a date with someone called MJ? I think that was her name."

"Oh ok" was all I could get out. I was still confused about the whole ignoring her daughter for weeks, but if she was going to spend more time with me soon then that's ok I guess.

"We'll get some of your things from the compound in a bit. Then we'll go to the restaurant around the corner for dinner. Does that sound good?" She asked with a huge smile on her face.

I mirrored her smile before saying, "that sounds amazing!"

And we did exactly that.

The next week me and Yelena did so much.
Monday: we went on a walk
Tuesday: we went to the trampoline park
Wednesday: we went shopping
Thursday: we went to the beach
Friday: we spent the whole day cooking and baking different dishes.
Saturday: we binged through so many movies
Sunday: we had to pack all my things

We were both pretty sad that I had to leave but Yelena said I can always spent the weekend or a week in summer with her.

I went back to the compound and mum immediately greeted me, after not seeing me for a whole week. We snuggled into her bed as she apologised for how she was ignoring me. I forgave her.

We had planned out weeks of activity's to do, some with just us, and some with the whole team.

I love my mum, but I don't want this to ever happen again. Even though I do love my aunt Yelena so,so much.

THANK YOU FOR 10k READS !!!!! That's crazy <33333

Umm I've got a few requests that I'm going to be uploading soon. Now that I have requests, I'm going to try to upload once a day. (Only if I keep getting requests) so request anything you want. (Even if you've requested before)

Have a good rest of the day/night

I have a week left of school !!!!

~Millie 🤍🤍

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