Shaken up

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Words~ 806
Warning~ none 🤷‍♀️
(set at aou time)
I'm thinking of doing a face reveal but idk if you guys care lol

Words~ 806Warning~ none 🤷‍♀️(set at aou time)I'm thinking of doing a face reveal but idk if you guys care lol

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Y/n's POV
Nat came back from her mission an hour ago and she's not ok. She's pretty shaken up, which takes a lot to get her like this, so whatever happened earlier was not good.

I ran her a hot bath with a bath bomb and some bubbles. I lit a few tea light candles around the tub to make it feel more relaxing for her.

I walked into the bathroom to try and get her to open up. Who knows, it might help it might not. I sat down next to the tub and gently caressed her cheek with my thumb.

"How you doing?" I asked in a quiet tone. I gave her some paracetamol for her headache and for if she's hurting anywhere else.

She opened her eyes and shifted her gaze to mine. She leant her head into my hand and kissed the palm. "I'm not doing well" she replied with sad eyes.

"Wanna talk about it?" I asked carefully, not wanting to make her feel pressured in any way. She shook her head slowly without saying anything.

I sat there for the next 20 minutes, washing her hair and body for her. She didn't get beaten up too badly. Just a few bruises here and there. Nothing a bit of cream can't fix.


It was now around 7:30pm and we all decided to order Chinese for dinner because quite frankly, no one wanted to cook.

We were all sat around the table in silence. The only sound that could be heard was forks agains bowls.

Nat was sat next to me and she was pushing her food around with her fork pretending to eat. I placed my hand on her thigh rubbing it up and down slowly to let her know I'm here.

Next thing I know, Nat stood up very quickly and ran out of the room crying. I got up to go follow her but stopped when I heard Tony say something.

"What was that ?" I asked narrowing my eyes towards him.

"I said, I never knew she actually had emotions." He said.

"What the fuck! Just because she doesn't show her emotions doesn't mean she doesn't have them. You know she's a human being too. Of course she has emotions she just never likes to show them. So shut up and don't say anything like that again or I swear to god Stark!" I shouted walking off to go find my girlfriend.

I was outside our door and heard sniffing. I gently opened the door so I would scare her as I went in. I shut the door behind me and before I could say anything she spoke up.

"There was this girl." She stated bluntly.

"She went into my head and showed me my greatest fear." She said, crying even more. I went over to her and pulled her into my chest. I let her cry it out. Every single time I was upset, she would always be there for me to cry on her shoulder or to rant about anything I wanted to and she would sit there as listen. So of course, I'm going to do the same.

She pulled back and wiped her tears. "I was in the Red Room again. I was strapped to a moving table. I was being pushed through a hallway and I didn't know where I was going but I soon found out it was to get my insides ripped out." She said tearing up once again.

I pulled her into me once again rubbing her back in small circles.

"Shh. You don't have to say anymore. I'm so proud of you for talking about it though. I know it takes a lot for you to be your true self and I'm happy you are comfortable enough to show your emotions around me" I said giving her a long and needed kiss in the lips.

She smiled weakly through the tears and kissed me again. She moved to under the covers and patted the spot next to her. I climbed in and cuddled up to Nat. We were sat there in silence for a while until she spoke up.

"Can you hold me?" She asked. Her voice was small and it broke my heart. I moved so that I could hold her in my arms and whispered, "I would do anything for you, my love"


The next few nights were spent like that. Me holding Nat until we fell asleep. I would wake up before her and just admire how beautiful she really is. I had to convince myself that I wasn't dreaming and I was, in fact, dating the most perfect woman in the world.


Ok this was cute. (send more requests please)

Have a good rest of the day/night

Drink some water and eat food please

~Millie 🤍🤍

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