Birthday morning (S•J)

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(not proof read)

Scarlett's pov
It's Y/n's birthday tomorrow and I can't wait to do all the things I've planned. She doesn't think we're doing much tomorrow but in reality, we're doing quite a lot.

Y/n is currently out with Lizzie because I need to wrap her presents. I got her new earrings, perfume, books and some clothes. Doesn't seem like much but that's all she wants this year. As I'm wrapping her presents my daughter waddled into the room.

"Hey baby!" Avery's face lit up automatically, showing off her top and bottom front teeth. She ran into my arms and giggled as I tickled her sides. "you wanna help Mama wrap mummy's presents?" I asked the three year old who gave me a nod.

Bad idea.

There was torn up wrapping paper everywhere because as I sat the wrapped present down, Ava would unwrap it thinking it was hers and I don't blame her, she's only three. In the end I had to place the presents on a self so she couldn't reach them.

—— Y/n's bday

I made sure I woke up before Y/n did so me and Avery could make her breakfast. Ava sat in her high chair munching on some raspberries while I cooked the fluffy pancakes. After creating a stack for us both I cut up some strawberries placing them on the plate as well as some of the raspberries I had out. I put the two plates on a tray before I scooped up Ava and made my way upstairs.

The birthday girl was sleeping peacefully not knowing I was about to get our daughter to wake her up.

"hey Ava, go wake up mummy" I whispered to her while placing her on the bed. She crawled over to Y/n and began jumping up and down eventually tiring herself out and falling on Y/n who was now waking up.

"Good morning princess" her voice was raspy and filled with sleep.

"Happy birthday!" Ava practically screamed, Y/n shushed her before saying her thanks. Before Y/n could greet me I ran downstairs to collect breakfast.

I re-entered our room with the tray of food and greeted her with a 'happy birthday'. She thanked me with a kiss until our daughter gagged at the pda.

"She is definitely your daughter" I laughed out to Y/n.

"What can I say?" She replied with a smirk.

We put a movie on the Tv as we enjoyed our breakfast even though half of it was stolen from Ava. Despite already having her breakfast she still asked for a bite of our pancakes every now and then using her puppy eyes to get her way. No matter how hard you try, You can't resist her puppy eyes.


i may or may not have only written this because it's my bday today 🎉

i have 4 hours and 30 minutes of religious studies today so that's fun!! ._.


have a good rest of the day/night

~Millie 🤍🤍

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