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i've chosen a girls name to use for these stories (still choosing one for a boy) anyways it's Avery but sometimes Ava for short :) also sorry if that's you're name. thanks @Addiblob580


Your daughter was young but still determined to be just like her mama.

A few months ago you and Nat were cleaning out your room. It was well overdue so it took longer than normal. Nonetheless you still did it. Your daughter, Avery, sat on the bed happily watching cartoons while her two mothers were having a deep clean. It was hard throwing out some of the stuff that had memories but they had to go. Obviously you didn't throw out anything that's had a lot of memories.

Nat was going through a box of her stuff from a few years ago and came across her ballet shoes. Memories from the Red Room were immediately greeted in her mind and she tried so hard to push them away so she didn't cry, even though you've told her countless amounts of times that it's ok to cry, she still sees it as a sign of weakness.

Ava was quick to shift her attention away from the cartoons when she hears Natasha sniffle.

"Mama?" She wanted Nat's attention. She's only five but she's very smart and knows when her mother is sad.

Nat turned around and made her way over to the small girl, picking her up and sitting her on her hip. You, however, we're still tidying, oblivious as to what was going on.

"Why cry?" She asked curious as to why she was upset.

"We'll, my love, I'm sad because I used to dance and I don't anymore because I had a bad experience with it." There was no point lying to her. She would lie about the Red Room though.

"I like to dance" Ava giggled when Nat scrunched her nose and began tickling her.

"I know you like to dance. Sometimes we can never get you to stop" Nat said finally looking up to see you had been watching them. You stoped tidying when you heard Avery ask why Nat was crying.

She gave you a reassuring smile when she saw your eyes silently asking if she were okay.


Back to now. You and Natasha signed Ava up for ballet classes after she begged and begged for them.

After the day Nat found her old shoes, she put them on and began gracefully dancing around the open kitchen of the Romanoff- Y/l/n house. Ava saw and instantly fell in love with how her mama danced and, of course, she wanted to be just like her.

You and Nat were in the car driving to the closest ballet studio near you with a very excited five year old, practically buzzing in her car seat in the back of the car.


An hour later and you and your wife were picking her up from class. To say Ava loved it was an understatement. The whole car ride home she talked her head off about everything she learnt in the 60 minutes session.

The next day she got upset because she wasn't going to ballet until the following week. So, Nat decided to cheer her up by showing her some moves that she had learnt. (obviously the easiest ones)

Nat dressed Avery in her light pink leotard and ballet slippers. She even put her own point shoes on. Nat carefully held onto her small hands while the soft piano music played on the Alexa as they danced around.

You sat back and watched the small show every now and then recording the two to look back in the future.


i know nothing about ballet which is why this isn't very detailed but it's cute. i got inspiration from @itsemily02 

you might get another update or two tomorrow as i'm off school cause i'm ill. i've lost my taste and smell and have all the symptoms yet i don't have covid. it doesn't make sense

have a good rest of the day/night

~Millie 🤍🤍

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