Chapter 8 Supervision

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Chapter 8   Supervision

"YU Teng, please wait a minute.", Professor Österreich calls after YU after the lecture.

YU turns around and smiles at his professor.

"I would be interested to know how the project started. Do you have another lecture in a minute? Can we have tea together?" asks Österreich.

He had a call from his friend Dieckmann this morning. He sounded concerned and asked how YU was doing. They both exchanged stories about their genius students. Talked about the research project and decided to support both intensively during these two years.

"I don't have the next lecture until the afternoon. I wanted to use the time in the library to study. But a tea sounds very good," YU replies kindly.

"Very good, then let's go to my office.", Österreich replies and starts to gather his materials. YU takes the books from the desk and walks after Professor Österreich.

They walk through the old and imposing Humboldt compound and finally arrive at Österreich's office.

"Make yourself comfortable, I'll make us some tea," YU hears his professor say. He looks around and spots the large linden tree visible from the window. He walks towards the window and enjoys the sight of the beautiful tree. A smile lines his face. The fine, leafless branches of the lime tree seem like the veins around the human heart. YU feels alive as he watches the branches blow in the wind.

"Why don't you sit down?", Österreich asks YU, "And what do you think of Sam Lin?"

YU turns to Österreich, smiles, walks towards him and sits down opposite him at the big desk.

"I have to admit that at first I was very surprised that he's so young and...", YU searches for the right words for a moment and finally decides to let his thoughts run free, "and so good looking." He gives a short laugh and continues, "His looks made me doubt at first that he was the Sam Lin who wrote all those treatises."

Österreich also laughs.

"He came to Germany when he was 16 to study psychology. In Taiwan, he had skipped several classes. An overachiever. It's completely understandable that you were amazed," Österreich says, smirking. "So his looks made you doubt," he adds.

"Somewhat, but I quickly noticed his utterly fascinating competence. He seems so calm and focused. He's a great therapist. He is aware of his surroundings down to the smallest detail and acts with calm and understanding. I feel well taken care of and arrived at. And I hope I can be useful to him," YU replies.

Österreich observes his pupil. His friend Dieckmann had worriedly told him that they should support the two young researchers. Their cultural roots and migration to Germany influence their collaboration. They transfer repressed feelings to each other, which cause a quick bonding and might influence them too much.

Professor Österreich sees before him only the YU Teng he has seen for years. A quiet and withdrawn young man, always dressed in black, who stands out for his politeness on the one hand and his intelligence on the other. YU's caginess worried Österreich from the very beginning. He seems trapped within himself. Only his deep and exceedingly intelligent trains of thought on psychological processes allow a glimpse of the sharp mind in the student who is always in the shadows.

Now, however, Österreich cannot see that YU is particularly agitated. He seems upbeat. Except for the note that Sam Lin's attractiveness has surprised him, he cannot detect any other conspicuousness. And this statement doesn't seem particularly striking either. Sam Lin is a very attractive man. The female students all rave about his looks. He can hardly hide from the young women fawning over him. Not that he wants to. He moves freely, blinding out all attempts at flirtation. No beauty has yet managed to get close to Sam Lin. His good looks are wasted on his brilliant mind. Sam Lin lives for his books, his work, his mind.

"Can you open up to him?" asks Österreich.

YU considers for a moment.

"We've only had one session so far. Even though I couldn't open up to the outside world, he triggered unconscious emotions in me. I opened up to myself," YU says in a low voice. His eyes seem to be turned inward. He hides in the shadows. Inside himself.

"That's good. I'd like to offer to stand by you through this process. I'll give you my private cell phone number. Please contact me if you feel like it," Österreich says in a mild tone.

YU's cat eyes smile kindly.

"That's very nice, but not necessary. I'll be fine. Don't worry." he replies sheepishly.

Österreich sees YU's embarrassment and tries to reach him differently.

"It's also my academic interest. The research project is very interesting. Sam also has a professor by his side who will be involved in all the proceedings. Professor Dieckmann is Sam's doctoral father and good friend. He supports him during this time. Every therapist needs supervision. Please do me the honor of standing by you," Österreich explains.

YU's eyes light up. He stands up and bows.

"Thank you very much for the offer. I am honored." he says.

Professor Österreich smirks.

"Why don't you sit down again. Let's have the tea before it gets cold." he says affectionately, "And here's my number. Please don't hesitate to call me. After all, we see each other regularly in lectures. Maybe we can have tea together once a week."

YU accepts the business card and sits down again.

Deep inside, he feels his excitement rising.

Yesterday's outing with Sam gave him no peace. He lay next to his piles of books in his apartment, reminiscing over and over every moment of the day.

The images of Lietzensee Park, Sam's deep voice, the delicious taste of the oriental food, the informative and impressive remarks about the Technical University of Berlin, the aromatic coffee, and Sam's repeated insistence on wanting to drive him home all buzzed around in his head and left him grinning on the floor.

YU can't suppress the joy of seeing Sam again tomorrow. His heart beats faster at the idea. Only he's an expert at keeping his feelings locked deep inside.

And so he sits across from Professor Österreich smiling, not letting his excitement show.

He drinks his tea and imagines Sam's face.

How Sam smiles.

How his eyes widen excitedly as he tells him about the background of the surroundings.

How deeply his gaze affects him.

And YU smiles at Österreich as he ponders how Sam's big hands will warm him again tomorrow.

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