Chapter 24 The Id (18+)

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Chapter 24    The Id (18+)

YU wakes up with his eyes closed. He perceives himself again.

His body is heavy. A heavy blanket lies on him. He cannot move and surrenders to the heaviness that takes away all responsibility from him.

He feels how he penetrates deeper into himself under the heaviness.

He sees himself running. He runs down a narrow staircase.

Each step brings him closer. With each step, the staircase widens.

The warm wind blowing toward him as he runs down intoxicates YU.

He feels deepest desires blossom within him.

Sees tender buds springing from his naked body and blossoming in all colors.

He smells the scent of seduction luring him.

Tastes the will of greedy lust.

Every step makes him hungrier.

Every step makes him cry out for instant gratification of pleasure.

He runs down the stairs of himself and feels the hunger.

He is free from the constraints and imprints of his moral authority.

Nothing keeps him covered anymore.

He no longer wants to hide.

She is gone. His mother is gone.

He feels himself running free inside.

Set free.

All repressed desires, all abused feelings.

He runs down the stairs to his origin.

And YU gives permission to his Id.

Lives Id.

The deep hunger in his body bursts every shackle of his tortured psyche and wants to be satisfied.

YU's glowing arousal between his legs causes YU to open his eyes.

He is in his bed looking at his bookshelves and the piles of books lined up on the floor.

He feels the burning heat at his heart and only then realizes that there is a hand on his chest.

Gradually, he becomes aware of the foreign body parts on and against his body.

The closeness makes him growl hungrily.

He reaches for the arm encircling him, carefully lifts it up and turns around.

He wraps Sam's arm around his own waist and swells even more as he looks at Sam with his hungry eyes.

His breathing gets heavier as he looks at Sam's prominent jawline.

His lips. His skin. His eyelashes.

And as his eyes feast on Sam's body, his hips begin to rub.

He puts his hands on Sam's arm muscles. Kneads his way to his chest muscles. Groans softly and moves even closer to Sam.



His hands roam over Sam's body.

Wanting to be nursed.

Seeking satisfaction.

No instance can stop him.

He surrenders to his hunger.

Sam feels his sleep making gentle waves.

A sensual aura surrounds him. Lures him. Makes him glow.

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