Chapter 51 December

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Chapter 51   December

"Sam, I'm so happy to hear your voice. And how do you like the wild North Sea just before the turn of the year?" asks Professor Dieckmann cheerfully over the phone.

Initially, Sam and he talked on the phone every day.

He wanted to know everything.

Dieckmann was to report in detail on how YU was feeling.

Repeat his words.

And how he was doing.

Whether he was doing well.

Is he well without Sam?

What about YU?

His YU.

Dieckmann remained patient.




Reassured Sam.

Showed him that he was confident.

Yes, he was even able to report to Sam that YU had finally contacted Dr. Lambe. Three sessions a week she scheduled.

And since Dieckmann knew Katja, her smile revealed that she was happy to accept the challenge. She may not tell Manfred any details about the patient, whom he must have noticed guarding like a polar bear daddy, but he could tell everything from her smile.

YU is a tough nut to crack. A very tough nut with deep scars.

But his sharp mind and excellent ability to perceive is slowly showing healing on himself.

He begins to see his own metaphors.

Even though he is still powerless against their powerful images, seeing his own metaphors is the first step to healing.

He learns to approach his unconscious.

And to take the power away from the creepy, dark, aggressive images.

More and more, in psychoanalysis, he can soften the metaphors.

When he listens, looks, looks within, the metaphors don't have to rumble so much.

They are heard, seen, accepted.

YU will do the psychoanalysis with Dr. Katja Lambe for years.

Torture her with his high walls.
Thrill her with his progress.

Giving himself relief from the popping of his hardened knots.

And showing himself the way.

By Sam's side.


'Katja likes your turtle,' Dieckmann said to Sam on the phone, and heard him go silent.

That was the moment when Sam became more and more silent.

The moment he knew YU was in good hands, he began to be more and more silent.

He became silent.


The calls decreased.

For a little over a month now, Sam has been on the small island of Sylt, which is particularly wildly stormy in winter.

And Dieckmann calls him today because he hasn't called in 8 days.

After a short pause, Sam finally answers Dieckmann's question.

"It is very beautiful here.
I like the tides.
The sea is so rugged and powerful.
So dangerous and destructive.
And yet lets itself be tamed by the tides.
It can rage, flood, drown.
And it can shallowly fade, flee, capitulate.

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