Chapter 33 Attraction

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Chapter 33   Attraction

"Oh, come on! I was just trying to make you laugh!", YU tries to cheer up the grim looking Sam.

Sam had been running after YU all over the apartment and suddenly stopped at the open kitchen counter of his eat-in kitchen.

Since then, his gaze has frozen. He looks at YU with motionless eyes.

YU's eyes, which were childishly delighted just now, slowly widen and he feels guilty.

"Are you mad at me now?" he asks more seriously than before.

Sam merely returns his gaze.

And YU suddenly can't stand the physical distance to Sam. He walks up to him, around the counter, stands in front of Sam and looks at him with wide eyes.

Sam accompanies YU's every movement with his eyes.

He watches his behavior closely. So the nasty turtle runs away from him. So he decides to trap him himself. Let's see how fast he can lure him in.

And now he looks into YU's bewildered eyes and feels guilty.

"Forgive me!", YU asks softly and puts his hands on Sam's chest.

A gesture that immediately makes Sam's knees go weak.

"Don't be angry with me anymore!", YU asks softly and approaches Sam's neck.

He breathes his scent and begins to kiss him tenderly. He delicately brushes his nose against the fragrant skin of his neck before caressing it with his lips.

Every spot.

YU's breath and lips unite with Sam's skin on his neck,

the nape of his neck,

behind his ears,

on his Adam's apple,

on his jawbone,

on his chin,

Sam feels, for the first time in his life, an attraction that lifts him into weightlessness.

A rush that tingles his skin and penetrates him with warm thrusts.

Little by little, each of his individual senses is flooded.

His heart pumps his blood to the rhythm of the rushing tides.

He loses himself. In the foaming tides.

His breathing grows heavier and the burning of the surf in his lap more demanding.

YU listens.

Hears Sam calling to him.

The deepest, inaudible sound waves thrust hotter and hotter from the man he tastes on his tongue.

He tastes him, smells him. Feels his skin prompt him more and more.

His hands feel the hard rises of his chest.

Silent and burning, they listen to the wild beat of his heart.

Endlessly. Endlessly long.

He feels, tastes, smells, hears his Sam.

He is drawn more and more.

His lips more and more pressed against Sam's skin.

His tongue no longer ready for tender touches.

He wants to suck on him. Suck him in. Feel him inside him.

And Sam's hot, audible breath gives it to him.

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