Chapter 46 Turning Point

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Chapter 46   Turning Point

YU decides to leave at 1:25 p.m. already. He can't stand it another minute. The campus is big and it takes him about 10 minutes to reach Sam's office. And today, Sam is allowed to quietly realize that he is way too early with excitement.

He recalls last Wednesday waiting for him outside Sam's door. It seems to him as if years have intervened.

With quick steps he strides, he hovers, he hurries.

Meanwhile, Sam's brain demonstrates the artistic abilities of nature. It sends a variety of hormones into Sam's body. Messenger substances that make him feel himself.

The adrenaline stimulates his nerves and triggers a tingling sensation in all his cells. Overwhelmed, he feels his body numb.

The serotonin spikes his senses. Sharpens his memory and concentration like a scalpel.

Happiness bubbles up in every cell, making his heart foam.

And when there's a knock at his door at 1:37 p.m., he sees himself ready for any turn in his life.

Sam walks to the door and opens it.

A beaming face greets him.

Nadine's red cheeks light up when she finally sees Sam in front of her.

"Hey, Sam, I got out of the exam extra early. I really wanted to see you again," she says in an excited voice.

Sam swallows. The sting of his disappointment resounds through his body. He tries hard to look professional.

He points his hand down the hallway, gesturing for Nadine to continue talking outside his office.

And when Nadine still doesn't step aside to let Sam through, Sam decides to intervene.

"Hello, Nadine. Let's talk in the hallway, please.

The next session is about to start. I don't have much time," he says, again gesturing for her to give him room. At the same time, he avoids physical contact.

She smiles and allows him to exit.

YU's brain, meanwhile, releases testosterone.

The sex hormone that ignites any pent-up drive desires.

Causes aggression that reinforces both punishing and rewarding behavior.

Initiate retaliation and generosity.

A hormone that makes the senses evaluate situations.

And makes one judge and act with the most primal drive.

YU is intoxicated by this messenger.

He rushes and wants to show Sam.

That he is all his delight.

That he adores and desires him.

That he is everything to him.

He hurries.

And as he turns into the long hallway to Sam's office, his heart skips a beat.

He sees Sam 20 yards away with his back to him. He's having a conversation with a woman.

YU falters for a moment and his feet take control.

He needs to get closer. He wants to be able to assess the situation.

He hurries.

Meanwhile, Sam listens to Nadine's explanations and feels uncomfortable.

Just intoxicated by the supreme messengers of happiness, he feels his spirits sinking.

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