Chapter 35 Perception

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Chapter 35   Perception

Time stands still at the Zimt & Zucker coffee house on Potsdamer Strasse in Berlin Schöneberg.

In one of Berlin's hippest districts, all spirits and matters of delight intermingle.

All streets show ways.

Different tastes, preferences.

Dainty curlicue meets rhombus in a headstand.

Rainbow colorful and free.

And in the Zimt & Zucker, the ceiling paintings, illuminated by the art nouveau lamps, let you create a real atmosphere. The right atmosphere to get cozy on a Sunday morning on the velvet sofas and surrounded by vintage furniture.

This is a place where generations stop in.

And so it was on this Sunday morning.

Sam sits next to Professor Österreich across from YU and Professor Dieckmann.

Their seats were assigned. The old friends waited an hour in said atmosphere for Sam and YU.

When these new friends finally arrived with their hair still wet, they were shown their assigned seats. This gave the wise gentlemen the opportunity to sit across from their respective sons. They wanted to read them, to see them during their conversation.

And so Sam and YU first had to hear from Professor Österreich that it was negligent to go out in the winter with wet hair. And he describes how his wife would have washed both their heads now. She would have already made sure that they blow-dried their hair afterwards.

Meanwhile, Professor Dieckmann ponders how it can be that the two of them arrive an hour later and still have wet hair.

He looks into the eyes of Sam, who only has eyes for YU.

The YU who sits diagonally across from him and nods kindly to his professor while the latter babbles incessantly. Once again making his care known.

Dieckmann looks at Sam's gaze. The flames in his eyes. Colors in his face that he didn't know.

Never seen on him before.

And while Dieckmann catches him unaware, Sam surrenders to his flashback.

Again and again, the images of their shower together flash into his mind. He feels deep ripples extending from his belly into his body. He peers into YU's politely nodding face and sees his deep plea in his eyes when Sam has taken the right path. His hands touching him the way he likes.

How he can hear it when it pleases him.

Dieckmann sees Sam close his eyes and take a deep breath.

The young waitress with tattooed arms interrupts Dieckmann's focus and Sam's inner movie.

The old and new friends look at her as she speaks in a Dutch accent:

"Nice, now you are complete. What can I make you happy with?"

And while Österreich asks again for the menu and orders his third latte that morning, Sam sees YU insistently monitoring the waitress's gaze.

YU senses the danger. As if all the eyes in the world are on his Sam. As if they all want to win him over. Danger lurks everywhere.
He wants to see it. He won't let it happen.

And Sam sees the sight of YU. He sees his possessive feelings on him. He feels the excitement flowing through his body and building up in his center. YU's jealousy pleases him. He should only want him. He should show him.

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