Chapter 45 Defense Mechanisms

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Chapter 45   Defense Mechanisms

It is Wednesday, 11/21/2021, 12:38 pm.

Nadine emailed Sam that she could not attend today's meeting because she was writing an exam. Sam ignored the irrelevant information around it and the pretentious flattery in her email.

If he is completely honest with himself, he is happy for the time he has now gained.

He lies on his therapy couch in his office and indulges his fantasies.

Intoxicated by the hope of having reached YU with his confession, the images of their sleepless night overwhelm him.

After confessing his love to him, YU showed him the most sensual facets of his lust that night.

Sam blushes and feels himself swell at the thought of their union.

Of their repeated and irrepressible symbiosis.

They made love until dawn.

The walls of his apartment witnessed their unrestrained sounds.

Their passionate love.

And Sam turns to the side and pulls his legs to his body.

Calm down. Calm down.

He takes a deep breath and feels his lust flare up inside him.

He wants him. Wants to be inside him. To be one.

And he catches himself being tempted by his urges.

His senses imagine YU's taste, his sounds, his scent, his hot warmth in and on him.

But Sam's lap glows and longs for YU.

Today he finally sees him again.

How is he supposed to work with him?

How can he hold back?

He misses him so.

For one whole day, they didn't see each other.

When YU left his apartment on Tuesday morning, they agreed not to see each other again until the Wednesday session.

Sam asked for that.
He told YU to focus on the lectures. And asked him to rest well and reminded to call Dr. Lambe.

"Let's love each other freely. Love timelessly free. Please let Dr. Lambe guide you and set you free.", he said to YU and their lips made a hot-intimate promise to each other.

And throughout the day, Sam felt how much he missed him.

In every session he conducted professionally, the sweet sound of his longing for YU floated in his body.

The hope that YU could leave his shadow and freely express himself by Sam's side made him regress.

All day long, he nibbled his lower lip, trying to calm his bubbling excitement.

His consciousness tolerated no doubts. No apprehension.

And even in the silence of last night, his ego paid no heed to his superego urging caution.

His ID left him feverishly hungry.

YU's unrestrained sounds were in the air, his sensual scent drifted up from his bed, and his body recalled every touch, every peak.

Sam surrendered.

He surrendered to the wild cry of his libido, satisfying himself like a teenager to exhaustion.

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