Chapter 32 Way Out

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Chapter 32   Way Out

Sam can't find any sleep. He lies in his bed turned to YU and can't manage to close his eyes.

He feels a stirring making it difficult for him to even blink.

While YU sleeps deeply, Sam can't close an eye.

He is content to let YU rest for the both of them.

He lies there watching YU's face. Extensively.

He lies there watching YU's chest slowly rise and fall. Until eternity.

And after hours, when he looks out the window and sees the light gray in the black sky, he carefully stands up.

He takes a sip of water in the kitchen, grabs the black wool blanket from the living room, and walks out onto his terrace.

He stands by the railing and smells the morning announcing itself.

Unseen, the sun awakens every spirits.

Sam snuggles into his black blanket and searches the horizon for the first rays of sunlight.

"Sam.", YU's alert voice rings out.

Sam turns around.

YU is standing outside the terrace door.

Sam's beige wool blanket lies over his shoulders.

YU woke up after listening in his dream.

Sam was sitting across from him in the large room of darkness.

Both felt the warm earth against their skin.

Both felt the pull of the earth against their bodies.

They sat fed up facing each other with a smile.

And YU looked at Sam with curious eyes. He looked at him and felt deep admiration. He never felt such fascination before.

As if he had found what was not prescribed for him.

As if he could now finally stand still.

Finally linger.

To let all the past drag on.

So he sat across from the silent Sam and let the sight of him confirm him.

And YU allowed everything past to catch up with him.

He looked into Sam's eyes as the effects of time began to make waves in his body.

He felt the warm and cold air masses circling each other.

Forming eddies.

Pulling the water masses of his body into high waves.

He looked into Sam's eyes as his inner whirlwind drained the power from his life. Tearing all the built up refuges to pieces. The components of his life whirled into the air and hurled against his body.

YU looked into Sam's eyes and let it happen. Let the natural disaster tear him to pieces.

He dove deep into the sea of blood of his pain.

Breathless, he felt the iron taste of his blood.

He accepted it.

Was ready to go.

To end.

As he looked into Sam's eyes, he was ready to end.

To end peacefully in the blood sea of his life.

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