Chapter 56 Hunger (18+)

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Chapter 56    Hunger (18+)

"I want water," Sam mumbles softly.

For the past two weeks, YU has spent every minute at Sam's side in his guest bed on Sylt.

YU takes care of Sam.

Takes him for slow walks.

Cares for him.

Washes him.

Tells him stories.

And quenches his thirst in a very special way.

Sam drinks only from YU's mouth.

He has to feed the water to him through his lips.

And YU was relieved that Sam is at least drinking again. But eating is still difficult for him.

With all his love he tried to feed him.

But Sam is still not ready to eat solid foods. Only meat and vegetable broth he can feed him in the method he now favors.

"Will you give me a sip of YU water?" asks Sam cheekily.

The deep circles under his eyes are in adorable laugh lines.

YU looks deeply at him and chuckles.

Happiness is on his side every moment.

He enjoys every moment with Sam.

Loves to hold him in his arms and shower him with his love.

For the past two weeks, all he sees is his beloved.

Jenny is really a very caring woman who gives them their privacy. And after Dieckmann and Österreich left a week ago, they are undisturbed.

And so YU can take care of Sam in peace.

Strengthen him and feel him.

Nothing is like before.

He can hardly wait to walk hand in hand with his Sam on the streets.

To show it to the whole world.

To shout it out.

He loves Sam Lin.

Sam Lin loves him.

And Sam Lin wants a drink of water from his mouth.

Nothing easier than that.

YU reaches for the glass on his side table, takes a big gulp of water into the roof of his mouth, and brings his puckered lips to Sam's mouth.

Tenderly, he presses his lips against Sam's slightly open mouth and lets the cool wetness flow into his mouth.

Sam enjoys every sip.

The sweet taste of YU's lips floats in the life-giving wet, awakening his spirits.

He feels every received bud of his soul lift its head when YU gives him his closeness.

And tasting him stirs in him the messengers of hunger.

For two weeks YU does not let him out of his sight.

Caresses him.

Whispers his love to him.

Goes with him to the beach.

Urges him to eat.

Feeds him with his lips then at least with nutritious wet.

Undresses him.

Puts him under the shower.

Soaps him tenderly.

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