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.・゜-: ✧ :- 

THIS WAS IT, THE DAY OF THE FESTIVAL. L/N had only thrown on some casual clothes; something that she knew looked cute and was a simple outfit. An off-the-shoulder frilled shirt, and pleated denim skirt... Of course, she couldn't look bad, not when he was around. And it could've been just them if she had kept her damn mouth shut.

She slung a small handbag around her shoulders, grabbing all of her necessities. Then she opened the door, locked it, then walked out. The walk there was literal torture, she kept bringing out her mirror and checking her reflection and hair, as if the windless night would completely destroy it.

What if I look bad? What if he thinks I'm ugly?!

She slapped her cheeks and shook her head, looking down with squinted eyes. It wasn't too long until she had reached the booming and bright festival, lights and stalls set up everywhere she could look. The crowd swallowed her whole almost immediately, and she had to physically push her way through the people to get anywhere. 

She pressed her lips tightly together, cringing as people bumped into her and crashed into her bag. She held it tightly close to her chest and felt a sinking feeling in her stomach until she spotted something. 


"...Osi!" She called out, wincing at another person shoulder-charging her particularly hard. Osi, with her hair noticeably changed as it was without her signature pigtails, turned around and caught the stare of L/N. 

"L/N!" She yelled out, waving her hands around and running towards her, easily slipping through the crowd and crashing into her. She wrapped her arms around L/N tightly, hands slipping into hers' as she looked into her eyes, "You look so cute!"

Her ears felt hot at her bluntness, but she nonetheless, returned her smile and gripped her hands tighter. "Thank you, you look beautiful."

"Aww!" Osi giggled, tucking a stray piece of hair behind her ear. "C'mon! The others have been waiting for a while now!" She tugged on her wrist and they quickly started jogging towards a quieter spot than the busy stall area.

There, she saw Gigi, Yusa and Auyumi standing together and talking, all wearing beautiful clothes with their hair done up noticeably nicer than usual. Even Yusa wore a pretty kimono, a gentle smile on her lips. 

"Hey guys!" Osi yelled out, making their heads turn to the two. "Y/N-chan is here!"

Auyumi waved with a candy apple stick gripped in her palm, her glasses decorated with floral stickers and a keychain that hung off the side, "L/N-chan!" She spoke sweetly, Gigi waving beside her and Yusa smiling.

"We've been waiting for a while," Yusa raised an eyebrow, hands on her hips. "You dressed up for your boyfriend?"

"Well, obviously!" Osi stuck out her tongue, hand still connected with hers', "Why wouldn't she wanna look good for the man she dreams about?!"

"Osi!" Auyumi hissed, making a motion behind her, which made the small girl slap her hands over her mouth and laugh nervously.

"Well... anyways!" She turned to L/N, grinning. "Oikawa-san and the rest are over there! Let's meet up with them."

Sure, it was strange that L/N's friends were now affiliated with the volleyball team, but she didn't question it. "Okay!"

.・゜-: ✧ :- 

"Look, Iwa-chan! It's L/N!" Oikawa shook his friend's shoulder, which, embarrassingly quickly, caused him to snap his head around, only to find nobody there. "Haha! You actually fell for it!"

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