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kawa says: i know what u guys r. how the extra shot w the interesting stuff got reads so quick. ill humour u guys again with it... just this once... 😐😐😐😐

warning guys its implied he is uhh ykyk 😕😕 uhhh huh if u know me you don't btw.!

.・゜-: ✧ :- 

IWAIZUMI WALKED NEXT TO OIKAWA, a normal, effortless conversation flowing between them. One of the better things that came out of being best friends with a guy like Oikawa, was that conversation was an easy thing. He didn't have to plan out what he was going to say, or worry about things being awkward, because they never would be.

"Yeah, and that new show," Oikawa sipped on his straw, smiling in bliss while he looked at his friend. "The female lead is such a hottie! She kind of looks like my ex, you know, Maeko?"

Iwaizumi nodded, one hand resting in his jacket pocket while the other tugged on the strap of his bookbag. "Oh yeah, she was the one who had the bangs, right?"

"Mhm. I kinda miss her, y'know? She was totally fun."

"She was cute as hell, too. Too bad you totally messed up your relationship." Iwaizumi shrugged, a sly smirk creeping onto his face when he saw his friend roll his eyes.

"I could like, totally get her back if I wanted, you know." Oikawa stuck his tongue out, blowing a raspberry. "Just don't wanna."


"Anyways, that new show is pretty good. It's kind of like a mystery drama. The male and female lead are trying to figure out something about this place."

"I've already watched the first episode, but it looks boring. The only thing that's gonna get me through it is that one hot actress. She's western, right?"

"Yeah, like American or something."

A conversation about hot actresses reigned on for a short while, until their break ended, and they each went to their own respective class.

.・゜-: ✧ :- 

"Ugh, you know what I mean, F/N?" A classmates ranted to her, walking out of their classroom. "I'm so happy the day is over. I don't know how much more I could take of sir's rambling."

The peer then sighs, face falling. "But it'll be the same thing tomorrow, then the next day, then the next..." She groans. "Ah! I can't wait for spring break. It's going to be the best."

She looks at her phone, then to F/N. "I should leave soon." A smile graces her lips as she waves goodbye. F/N waves back with a similar grin, but instead of following along, she quickly runs the opposite direction, all the way to the gymnasium.

Sometimes, F/N wished that her friend wasn't so devoted to his sport. It was admirable and pretty cute, but it was occasionally tiring to wait so long for him. Sure, he had Mondays off, but that was only one day. And nobody likes Mondays.

She stood next to the courts, kicking her feet back and forth as she watched him train. He didn't look weird or uncomfortable while training, he looked so natural.

F/N wondered if he went to the gym. His arms were pretty big. She didn't think highschool volleyball would be so intense.

"Hey- earth to L/N-chan!" Oikawa snapped his fingers infront of her face multiple times, which made her jolt back and stare at him in shock. He smiled cockily, placing a hand on his hip. "I know you want to keep ogling at our Iwa-chan, but it's basically time to pack up."

She felt her ears grow hot, but only scoffed and rolled her eyes playfully at the pretty boy. "Okay, but I wasn't ogling."

"You were drooling~!" He spoke playfully, in a sing-song voice, as he walked away to go and change.

FOREVER   ୨୧   IWAIZUMI ✔Where stories live. Discover now