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kawa says: nta get a divorce

.・゜-: ✧ :- 


Usually, he wasn't that bad at putting his thoughts into words. He wasn't the best at it, he knew that, but he was still able to convey his feelings properly without choking up.

He was tough, strong, fearless and rough. He knew that much. People relied on him because they knew he was straightforward and said whatever was on his mind. That was what made him trustworthy.

At least, that was before he had met you.

Now, as he ran a hand through his hair in frustration as he sat at his desk, he wondered, where did it all go wrong?

He felt embarrassed more than anything. He felt so so embarrassed. He questioned what he was even doing multiple times, as he groaned and threw another crumpled up paper ball behind himself.

Iwaizumi was supposed to be the straightforward, mean vice-captain. He was supposed to be reliable. How could he be reliable on court, if he couldn't even write a love letter?

He scribbled down a few words, before ultimately grumbling again and throwing the torn up paper behind him. Another failure.

Iwaizumi wasn't like his best friend. He wasn't charming, he wasn't that sociable, he wasn't popular, and most of all, he couldn't talk to girls.

Especially you.

Whenever he looked at you, a million thoughts raced through his head and his heart beat like it had just learned how to. He never really had that many friends growing up either, so when his friends had suggested something about romance to him, he was confused.

Was what he was mistaking for platonic feelings, actually something else?

The thought sort of scared him.

He considered you as a best friend who he cared for very much...

So why did he feel so...annoyed? He was just your best friend, so why did he hate the thought of you with any other man?

Ever since that day when you talked and laughed on the phone with that other guy, Iwaizumi couldn't stop thinking about the possibility you would get a boyfriend.

You were a pretty girl. There was no doubt you'd get someone who'd be interested in you soon. The thought of that made his stomach twist in bad ways. And the chance you'd actually return their feelings made him feel even worse.

Was this jealousy? Not just envious jealousy..just pure hatred. That should've been me, in your place, type beat.

Iwaizumi couldn't picture you with somebody new. The thought of you doing everything you both did with another made his skin crawl. He wanted to be the only person to ever see you so vulnerable, to make you blush, to hold your hand, to brush the snow out of your hair as you walked out of his house.

He wanted to be the only one to ever kiss you.

He wanted to be the only one to ever experience these sweet romantic feelings with you, to explore and find out what love truly means. He loved every part and flaw of you. He wanted to be the only one in your life, ever, and he wished you felt the same for him.

He wanted to be with you for the rest of his life. Hajime was certain of this now.

He loved everything about you. Your awkward smiles, your expressive eyes and the way they smiled, and even your little quips about the way the others acted (especially Oikawa).

He loved how whenever you said something, you meant it. You were never trying to manipulate or lie to people. You were always good-intentioned and had the most kind heart he'd ever seen.

He loved how, when you smiled, your eyes would squint and be unseen. He loved the little dimples you had. He loved how your thumb would always rub on his knuckle when you held hands. He loved how you always made him feel safe.

You felt comforting, you felt nice, you felt warm, you felt like home. You felt like nature, you felt like happiness, and you felt like prosperity.

Iwaizumi would think. He would think, and think, and think, but could never say. He wouldn't dare say any of this out loud, for the sake of his already thin dignity and pride.

Sometimes he wished you would just jump into his arms and just hug him. All he wanted was to feel you, always. He just wanted you. You were something that was foreign to him. You were new, happy, gentle yet meek and kind.

Iwaizumi turned away from his desk, crashing down face first into his bed in complete shock. He had just now had the shocking realization.

He was totally in love. Not even just a crush. He was in too deep.

He fell for you, and hard.

Iwaizumi turned around like a crab, staring up at his ceiling with a blank stare. How dearly he wished he could put all these words and thoughts he was feeling onto paper, but couldn't. He never could.

No matter how hard be tried, he would never be able to tell you. Because he was sure his little heart would just stop the day he did.

He stood back up, walking over to his desk and sighing. He looked back at his over flowing trash can with paper balls surrounding it.

Maybe it was about time to just give up on writing a love letter.

Iwaizumi was never that poetic anyways.

.・゜-: ✧ :- 

L/N looked down, taking off her shoes and grabbing her books required for the day. She changed her shoes then closed the locker, staring at it for a minute.

There was a sticky notes stuck on it loosely.

You look happy.
- iwa
ps. pls keep looking happy. it makes me happy too.

L/N stared for a moment, then smiled lightly as her cheeks heated up. He grabbed the sticky note, hugging it to her chest before kissing it out of happiness.

.・゜-: ✧ :- 

Iwaizumi watched from around the corner, clutching the wall with one hand and his heart with the other. His face was red and sweaty, while his heart was racing in his chest. Anybody would've thought this boy had just run a marathon.

In reality, he was just casually watching his totally beautiful crush without her knowledge. Not creepy at all.

But, as Iwaizumi turned away to walk to this next class, he couldn't help but wish that instead of your lips touching the posted note, that they would touch his instead.

FOREVER   ୨୧   IWAIZUMI ✔Where stories live. Discover now