Awkward Silence

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Hwang Yeji entered the building she had been ordered to arrive at the next day. Her hair was braided into multiple braids that were put into high ponytails at each side of her head. Blue strands standing out of her otherwise dark hair. 

Everyone had gathered in the hall to greet her as she walked up directly to me, ignoring the 8 other people and gave me a hug. Surprise was written all over my features as she smiled at me brightly.

"Hey! I'm so sorry you had to deal with these 8 idiots alone." She rolled her eyes at the males behind us. "I'm Yeji and that tall unsalted pretzel over there unfortunately is blood related to me." Yeji didn't even look at Hyunjin who gave her a dead glare, Jisung let out a cackle. 

Her insult amused me too and her smile had me fooled for a second. Under other circumstances they were probably the most normal siblings with a love hate relationship anyone had ever seen. 

But nothing about this meeting was ordinary. 

My smile faded just as quickly as it appeared and nobody should have noticed since my back was turned towards the guys, but Yeji did. She turned to face the guys for the first time since she had arrived.

"Chan, as always, thank you for having me." Chan nodded in response.

"I think we're going to need some girl time..." She trailed off, looking between Chan and me. Not waiting for an answer, she took my hand and pulled me with her to leave. 

"Ok, so tell me Y/N, how did you end up here?", she wasted no time and bombarded me with questions as soon as we opened the door to my room. She hopped on my bed and opened her bag, taking a black nail polish out and taking my left hand into her lap. She carefully took my fingers one by one and painted them.

I hesitantly told her everything that had happened from the fruit fight to the rooftop talk and she stayed quiet during all of it, only nodding here and there when I spoke about my feelings and making surprised expressions during all of my encounters with the big boss.

"And so now I'm here and still scared that they will shoot me and hide my body." I concluded, shrugging, expecting her to at least chuckle but she looked completely serious, blowing on my newly manicured nails.

"Chan told you about all of their positions and answered all your questions?" She asked although I had already told her. 

"I'm confused as to why he is doing that too..." I admitted.

"Well, if we look at it logically there are only 2 possible outcomes." She concluded. I moved closer to her, curious as to what she found out.

"He can't take the risk of you going to the police or to anyone else for that matter and give everything away so there's only 2 ways this will go..."

I still didn't comprehend what she was on about.

"So either he will let you join them as a member of SKZ..."

I snorted in disbelief. Me a criminal? 

Yeah, not happening.


I'm choosing the second option.


There's no way I could-

"They'll kill you."

I held my breath. 

So even Yeji, the sister of one of them thought they would off me. 

"I mean, like I said they are all fools BUT even I have to admit they are pretty likable and incredibly good at what they do. And by the way, this lifestyle seems unfitting at first but I promise you it's not half as bad as it's made out to be..." She gave me a knowing grin, her words made me look up at her.

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