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When Chan opened the door to reveal a completely distraught girl, my heart dropped. He was the first to step in the room, Sana quickly taking a step back, raising her hands in submissiveness. 

"C-Chan, I swear I never-"

He stepped aside, revealing me behind him. Her expression changed from horror to confusion and settled on a surprised smile. 

"Sana!" I immediately hugged her tightly, her arms wrapping around me in response. 

"Y/N! I'm so sorry I-" she was sobbing against my shoulder. I looked at her tear-filled eyes and shook my head, smiling.

"I know, Johnny has told me everything."


A guilt tied knot formed in my stomach. 

I have to tell her.

We have to help him.

Chan coughed, returning our focus on him and pulling me out of my thoughts. Sanas eyes were fixed on him and went wide in realization.

"How did you manage to convince Jihyo- she would never-"

Chans eyes met mine for a split second before holding Sanas gaze again. "I didn't". Her eyes went even wider, threatening to pop out of her head at this point.

"You went against the code- you- you broke the alliance?!" 

"Don't make me regret it."

I wanted to ask what that meant, I really did. But I couldn't hold it in me any longer. Every moment of not telling her the inevitable felt like lying to her face.

"Sana, it's about Johnny..." Although I had been thinking about how to tell her since running away, I still hadn't figured out how to. 

"What happened?", shock was written on her features and I took a deep breath. Where do I start?

"Yeah, what happened?" Chan cocked an eyebrow in expectance. Right, I hadn't told him anything yet either. 

I took a deep breath and started my retelling of the events that partook after I had been kidnapped from the rooftop.

Sana nodded at some parts, as if to agree to what Johnny had told me. Chan on the other hand wore an unreadable expression that didn't change, no matter what I said.

I started at the helicopter ride where Johnny had told me all about the plan he and Sana came up with to protect us, his short explanation of their relationship and how he saved my dumbass from being poisoned. 

How Taeyeong dropped the bomb about his father and how he let me go. 

And how the last thing I heard was presumably his fist colliding with Johnnys ribcage. 

"I have to help him!" Sana was full on panicking. 

"We have to help him." I squeezed her hand in reassurance. She wouldn't fight this battle alone. The both of them had followed through with their plan to save me, it was time I'd repay them the favor. 

"I'm very thankful for your help, but I doubt that we can- just the two of us..." Sana buried her face in her hands, hiccuping.

The two of us couldn't do shit against a gang as big and dangerous as NCT. Jihyo and her gang most definitely wouldn't help us either. Although neither Chan nor Sana had actually mentioned it but I had a feeling that Sana wasn't part of them anymore. 

My eyes gleamed with hope as I looked over at the most dangerous man I've ever met.

"You're asking me to put everyone including you in danger to save someone who took you from me two times already?" The anger in his voice was audible. I didn't dare to answer him by speaking so I just nodded. 

"There's three conditions." My head jerked up in surprise. "Number one: We need a plan. A good one at that. We'll only attack once we have that and I give my go." 

Sana seemed like she didn't want to agree. Of course she didn't want to, it meant that we couldn't help Johnny now. But Chan was right, without a plan we wouldn't accomplish anything.

"Yes", I answered for the two of us, earning an approving nod from him.

"Number two: I understand that this is a rescue mission for the two of you, but for me this is even more than a war declaration. Forget about stepping into the lions cage, this is literally invading the snakes home and taking their eggs." He chuckled lowly at his analogy. "I need you to understand the gravity of the situation. We're not saving Sanas little boyfriend, we're taking one of his best men. Most of us will hurt and get hurt in the process."

I shuddered at the thought. "Are you sure you want this?" His question pierced through me but I knew the only right answer. I did want this. And I needed him to know how much I needed to do this. 

"What if it was me? Would you rescue me despite the risks?" I saw the answer in his eyes. 

"It's not you." He simply stated as if that fact alone was the reason he was still on the fence to helping us. 

"It could've been." The truth of my own statement hit me once I said it out loud. If Taeyeong hadn't just let me go. What would have happened? What would he have done to me?

Chan must've had the same thoughts on his mind because he moved on with his next condition.

"Lastly, number three," his eyes narrowed as he looked at Sana. "You have to regain my trust. I can't work with somebody who I don't trust."

Sana visibly swallowed, knowing he was right. "How do you expect me to do that?" Chan shrugged his shoulders at her question, a small smile setting on his lips.

"You're a stray already, might as well become a Stray Kid."

You vs. My Whole Life | Bang ChanOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz