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Lia and Seungmin were still busy patching up any wounds from the fight. Thankfully there hadn't been that many or actual severe ones, but some had to be treated. Seungmin was currently shining a flashlight in Chans eye to look for any damage his brain might have received, while Lia was disinfecting a bullet wound on Ryujins leg. 

"Why do you always have to be so goddamn reckless", Yeji nagged while Ryujin hissed in pain from Lias alcohol wipe. 

"Am not," Ryujin protested, a smug smile settling on her lips when Lia pulled away the wipe. "Just did what I do best." Yeji scoffed annoyed. "You are not a human shield, it's not your job to catch every single bullet that gets shot in our direction!"

"It's just a graze shot, don't worry." Lia diagnosed and Ryujin smiled even more self-satisfied. 

"You tell her, doc." Ryujins leader narrowed her eyes in aggravation. 

"I swear to god, Ryu, if you continue to act up, I'll make sure that there won't be a next mission for you." Ryujin finally dropped her head in defeat at that threat. 

"You might need to check my ears next, Lia, or does anyone else hear that noise?," Chaeryeong half joked, making everyone listen carefully for whatever she was hearing.

There it was. A distant sound that reminded of a spinning rotor. 

Johnny was the first to speak up, his face drained of color. He had been in the infirmary to treat his injuries as well. "It's our helicopter-"

Chan jumped from his seat like he was a dog aiming for Johnnys throat. "What?" Johnny swallowed. "It's NCT. Might be Taeyong, I don't know. This most definitely wasn't planned."

My eyes went wide. Why would they come here? Were they looking to finish what we started?

"I wouldn't worry- well, not necessarily. We don't usually use the helicopter to fight." The NCT member explained, trying to calm everyone down unsuccessfully.

"What else do you use it for then?" Chan cocked his head, glaring at Johnny who sat up and adjusted his shirt before uttering a single word in response. 


Chan, Yeji, Han, Johnny, Sana and I made our way up the stairs towards the rooftop to welcome our uninvited guests. Chan only carried his gun in his back pocket by default. Yeji on the other hand was equipped from head to toe, carrying every single weapon one possibly could. 

"Better safe than sorry," she simply shrugged when she noticed me starring at her. "You never know with Taeyong."

I wasn't aware of the immense truth her statement held. 

The rooftop hadn't changed one bit since the last time I stood on it. Flashbacks from me yelling confessions and getting kidnapped by the same helicopter that was approaching us again now made me shiver. The helicopter landed, the wind it created almost blowing me off the roof.

"Hyunjin, you're in position?" Chan called into the ear-piece and I didn't know whether he was wearing it again or never took it off. Hyunjin had to be waiting on top of another building, ready to fulfill his duty as a sniper and blow Taeyongs head off his shoulders. 

Once the helicopter had turned off and the air calmed down, the door opened. A white piece of cloth emerged and was waved back and forth hectically. Then a distressed looking Taeyong hopped out followed by another man. Taeyong kept the piece of fabric in front of him like a shield.

"I'm not here to fight!" He declared, still waving the white thing. Chan raised an eyebrow.

"Is this your idea of surrender?" Chan shook his head, slight amusement lifting the corner of his lips, despite his entire body still being tensed to the max. "A Calvin Klein boxershort?"

The white thing that Taeyong continuously waved in front of our faces was indeed somebody's underwear. 

"I didn't exactly have a white flag prepared for this kind of moment." Taeyong spluttered, throwing the boxer at Johnny. "Thought I'd bring you something to change so you can stay the night, while I'm at it." Johnny caught it with one hand, amusement glistening in his gaze.

"And I'm not here to surrender. We're not losing this war- I'd just like to... officially postpone it." His statement sounded like a question, like he wasn't completely sure of what he was trying to achieve either. "Fuck man, I'm not good with words. Some say I'm too aggressive when I should be asking nicely, so I brought Mark along to... help." 

Mark nodded at the weak introduction Taeyong had given him and shot me a small smile that I reluctantly returned. "We're here to talk, is what he's trying to say." Taeyong tried his best to put on a trustworthy smile, managing to only pull a grimace.

"I've tried talking to you many times, why should I now, all of a sudden listen to you, just because you decide you want to talk?" Chan crossed his arms in front of his chest. Taeyong took a deep breath and glared at the Stray Kids leader in front of him. Mark cleared his throat loudly, making Taeyong snap out of the murder fantasy that most definitely had played in his head.

"Because I know you're a better man than me, Bang. You were the only one ever to accomplish an alliance between rival gangs, therefore talking is a strength of yours I ... admire." The words that came out of Taeyongs mouth might have sounded like a compliment from anyone else. He however looked like he was in pain delivering them. Johnny snickered and Taeyongs eyes scanned him. "And because there are some men whose opinions I value that recommended me to take this approach." That for sure was a compliment. 

"Depends what you want to talk about, TY. Tell me something interesting and I might listen." Taeyong looked like he was going to explode. Surely, nobody had ever talked to him in that way.

"I need three things from you." He pushed out through gritted teeth, earning a humorless laugh from Chan.

"Oh, so you're here because you need something from me. Figured that much."

"I won't beg or bargain!" Taeyong shouted, Mark stepping forward, shaking his head. "Actually we might have to do both of that."

"Spit it out, what do you want?" 

Taeyong took another deep breath, trying to calm the storm raging inside of him. This confrontation took all of his willpower and all of us could tell. "I want Johnny back." Chan shrugged his shoulders in response.

"He's not my prisoner, nor is he a part of my crew or has aspired to be. You gotta beg or bargain with him, he makes his own choices." He made sure to stress the words Taeyong had used who simply nodded. 

"I also need you to," another deep breath since the next few words were going to wound Taeyongs pride "form an alliance." Han gasped audibly. Chan just nodded, deep in thought.

"We can talk about that, but there'll be plenty of conditions if I'd ever agree. What's the third thing?"

If the last request had hurt his pride, this one had to destroy his heart. 

"I need you to kill my dad. For good this time."

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