Love Untold

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"You didn't actually say that to him?!" 

Sana was almost screaming at me through my phone. Rightfully so. There were many stupid people in this world and then there was me. The dumbest of them all.

I sighed in response. "I didn't mean it like that. It just - slipped, I don't know!" I had no explanation. There was none. But I had to give him one. I just had to make it right.

"Damn, that was so coldhearted. You need to talk to him".

Another sigh from my end.

"You don't think I've tried? He's been avoiding me" And I couldn't even blame him. He was giving me a taste of my own medicine. The look in his eyes still haunting me every night. 

"Just keep trying! He's a good guy, Y/N".

She reminded me again, as if I didn't know what I had potentially lost. 

When our phone call ended, Hyunjin opened the door to my room without knocking first and stormed inside.

"What the hell, Hyunjin?" He just raised an eyebrow and sassily crossed his arms in front of his chest.

"Yeah, what the hell, Y/N? What the hell happened between you two? I thought I was going to be your flower girl by the end of next week! Instead the mood is more like a funeral. What did he do- you know what, whatever he did just forgive him and move on. You two just have to be together".

He pleaded and gave me a slight smile at the end of his tantrum. 

I sadly shook my head. "It's not his fault." That made Hyunjin plop down onto the bed next to me.


"I messed up I-"

Now a knock was heard. I looked through my still open door to find Chan standing in the frame and shut my mouth immediately. To my complete surprise, he smiled at me.

"Meeting downstairs in five" and with that he turned around and left. 

Hyunjin gave me a reproachful look. "Shouldn't you try your best to be forgiven then?"

That was all I needed to jump up from my bed and run after him. He didn't go very far so I was quick to reach him.

"Chan, I need to talk to you. About what I said the other day-"

"I'm sorry". Now that threw me off completely. He was sorry?

"What?" I blurted out, confusion written all over my face. He definitely had a habit to apologize to me for my own mistakes.

"I shouldn't have pressured you for an answer" he explained and smiled adding, "And I also shouldn't have avoided you after either. So I apologize". 

I didn't know what to say and before I said something hurtful again I decided to keep my mouth shut and let him continue.

"I just- I'm proud of you you know?" another smile, a little weaker this time. "You did everything in your power to win the fight. Even if it was something you really didn't want to do".

Although he was smiling, the hurt in his voice was telling the truth. With that statement, he pushed open the door to the meeting, the others already sitting around the table, waiting for him.

I did want to kiss you. I still want to kiss you. I know I shouldn't but I really fucking like you. 

But I wasn't able to tell him any of that. Again.

"Now that everyone's here, let's start" Chan said. "I know it's kind of spontaneous but I've invited our allies to Stray Kids Headquarters. Mainly because we need to figure out what to do with NCT. I'll discuss it with Jihyo and Yeji" Hyunjin rolled his eyes at the mention of his sister.

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