Secret Secret

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"What about Sana?" I wanted to know about her involvement in this.

How did she know Johnny?

And thought about calling Chan?

Chan, the person she told me to stay away from.

The car had reached the gateway to Stray Kids headquarters. The mob boss made sure not to break our eye contact.

"She should tell you herself", he decided. "It's not my story to tell."

"Well, how do you want me to ask her? I'm taking a wild guess here and I doubt that you'll let me go home after what happened last time", his answer annoyed me and I let it show. Jisung coughed loudly and Changbin raised an eyebrow at my braveness. None of them were used to someone talking to their leader in this way.

"It has nothing to do with what happened last time" he emphasized the words I had used. "I've already told you. It's more about what happened today."

Oh yeah, I started a gang war.

Almost forgot about that part.

"Sana and Yeji are here to support you. I should've thought about bringing Sana last time but... she hadn't told you about-" he cut himself off instantly. "She'll tell you this time. No more Secrets."

Once we arrived in the main hall, everyone was already waiting for us rather impatiently.

Hyunjin stood tall, his hair a lot longer than the last time I had seen him.

Next to him his sister, Yeji. She had exchanged her blue strands for one big pink one in the front. Both of them were bickering about something.

To Yejis right was the youngest Jeongin, smiling as brightly as ever.

Seungmin was next, he seemed to be deep in thought as he pushed his glasses further back onto his nose bridge with his index finger.

Even Felix had come up to greet us from his tech room.

And next to Felix stood-


"Y/N!" Sana exclaimed as she run up to me and threw her arms around me for a hug. All of the air was knocked out of me while she squeezed me tightly.

"Oh god, thank god you're okay", she held me by my arms to push me away from her to look at me and then pulled me back into her embrace.

"I was so worried about you! If I only had known it was Johnny Suh, I would've-"

Now it was my turn to loosen from her grip and put a distance between us. Guilt scurried across her face without me even asking a single question.

"Alright, we've got a lot to talk about with our Snow White", Yeji interfered and walked up to us. "We'll get going now".

And with that Yeji got in the middle, took an elbow from each of us to her sides and dragged us along with her.

"Snow White?", Jeongin hadn't made the connection for the nickname yet.

"And Chan's her prince?", Hyunjin giggled. The corner of Chans mouth lifted up slightly.

"Who are we then?", Changbin asked rhetorically.

"The seven dwarfs of course", Jisung concluded and laughed.

"What room was it again, Y/N?" Yeji asked taking me back to the first time I was there.

"Umm, 19".

She opened the door and took a seat on the bed, signaling us to sit next to her. Once we did, she focused her attention on Sana.

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