Maknae On Top

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Chan raised his eyebrows, surprise flashing in his eyes. My heart was beating out of my chest. Did I seriously just hear him say that?

"And why would you need me to do that? Just do it yourself," Chan said nonchalantly making the man in front of him sigh in despair.

"Because unfortunately, my dad is right about one thing and one thing only. I'm too much of a fucking pussy to kill him. So I figured, since you've been ready to do it once, you'd be able to do it again."

"He's still your dad after all." Chan nodded, seeming to understand Taeyongs dilemma.

"But you've loathed me when you believed me to be his killer before. How come you've changed your mind?"

"When I thought you had killed him, I felt obligated to avenge him." Taeyong took a deep breath. "But seeing him appear in front of me after all this time, completely unharmed and not giving a damn I realized I would rather shoot my gun at him than you".

He'd been alive for all these years and never thought about letting his son know. He'd rather let Taeyong become an awful person, led by hate and anger than step in to save him from his demons.

What kind of father does that?

"What's in it for me?" Chan asked, challenging Taeyong. Taeyong grimaced.

"What, isn't world peace enough for our ever-so-perfect Bang Chan?" Venom was dripping from his voice and Mark shook his head at the words of his leader.

"The way I see it, you're here to present me a business offer and are eager for me to agree to your conditions. You're a business man yourself, Taeyong. Don't tell me you'd agree under conditions that aren't the most beneficial to you." Chan seemed incredibly relaxed, crossing his arms in front of his chest.

"So what you're saying is we'd both profit from an alliance. In my opinion that's debatable." Taeyongs eyebrows shot up at what Chan was implying. I could feel Yeji next to me grab onto the gun in her jeans. Jisung just chuckled amused.

"Same goes for your father. I get where you're coming from but removing him from this world doesn't necessarily have to be through my hands. Even the possibility of you freaking out afterwards and throwing a tantrum, endangering the alliance isn't worth it." Taeyongs gaze turned icy and Mark gasped audibly.

"And lastly, you're getting Johnny back, if he wants to. So let me ask you again, TY." Chan took a step forward, almost being chest to chest with his long sworn enemy. "What's in it for us?"

To everyones surprise, a loud laugh echoed over the rooftop, cutting through the tension like a hot knife through butter.

"That's my favorite part of a business deal - the negotiation." Taeyong smirked excitedly. "There are many more conditions on our side of the deal as well. I just wanted to see if you were open for discussing."

Chan mirrored Taeyongs expression and held out a hand pointing towards the door.

"Why don't we discuss details inside?" He offered, still smirking arrogantly, his smile not reaching his eyes.

He didn't actually just invite the viper into our safe space? I turned to look at Jisungs reaction who only blankly stared ahead at the scene.

"There's something I'm going to have to do first." Taeyong turned his attention to someone else. "Johnny, we miss you, man. Care to come back home?" The genuine affection in his voice confused me even more than Johnnys smile and short nod in return.

"You just gotta accept my girlfriend." He stated, leaving no room to disagree.

"Right", Taeyong acknowledged and turned back to my boyfriend as we started to walk towards the entrance. "That's what I forgot to mention! I don't only want you as an ally. I want Jihyo and of course," he shot Yeji a small smirk "you too."

Yeji scoffed in response, her hand still clasped around her gun.

"What? You don't even know what we have to offer. What do you want? A boyfriend? I'd get you one. There are so many men in my crew that you could choose from-" and before he could finish his sentence, her gun was drawn and pointed right between his eyebrows.

"Shut up before I make you, Taeyong," she spat, eyes narrowed into slits, her finger dancing over the trigger. Despite the situation he was in, his lip twitched suspiciously.

"Damn, don't make me fall in love with you," he whispered, his signature smirk now on full display.

"If she doesn't kill you in the next five seconds, her brother most definitely will." Chan commented, without turning around as he opened the door for us to go inside.

Yeji actually ended up letting him live. Surprisingly.

Changbin was the first to spot us bringing in two visitors. "What the-"

"We might be forming an alliance." Chan simply said, cutting his friend off. "I'd like Jeongin to lead the negotiation. It'd be a great learning experience." Han coughed loudly while most of us were already gathered around the spectacle happening in our living room.

Hyunjin and Yeji were fighting in the corner and all I could make out were scraps of their conversation. "...should've shot him." "You should've done that!" "...was too busy laughing after his confession." Yeji elbowed her brother.

Jeongin was pale, almost sick looking. "A-are you sure you want me to...?" He didn't even finish his sentence. Chan nodded in reassurance.

"Whatever you decide, we'll do. You're playing the role of a leader this time. Because I know you can. I'll follow you," he put his hand on Jeongins shoulder. "I'm too involved in this entire thing to make a fair decision, but I trust you to make the right one."

Jeongins Adam's apple jumped as he gulped nervously. Then he took a deep breath and his face turned serious.

"Y/N," he called my name, as I furrowed my brows in irritation. "We'll do this together since we haven't been in this business for as long. And besides, I'm sure it will be a great learning experience." He quoted Chan proudly, despite him trying to hide his trembling hands behind his back.

I nodded in response and took a few steps forward to stand at his side. "Let's form an alliance."

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