3rd Eye

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We sat down at our large dining table, Jeongin next to me. Taeyong and Mark across from us, while Chan and Minho stood behind us. Yeji and her friends sat in another corner of the room. 

"Let's discuss this," Jeongin said and laid his palms on the table. I couldn't help but think he was trying to act the way Chan would, mimicking his behavior as much as possible. "Why do you want to form an alliance?" 

Taeyong glared at Chan behind us, shaking his head in disappointment. Mark cleared his throat loudly, forcing his leaders' gaze back on us. 

"I'm aware of the differences we had in the past but we want to bury them and start fresh. An alliance means we'd be unstoppable in our future plans. Our first joint mission would be to kill our enemy Lee Sooman and take over his empire."

Jeongin raised an eyebrow in surprise and I couldn't help but notice how Taeyong had called his father by his government name. 

"What's in it for us?" He asked, trying to appear nonchalant. Just as Chan would've.

Taeyong sighed. "You'd have all of us on your side. Which wouldn't only grant you more power but a large amount of men. Every single member of NCT under Taeyongs control would automatically be there to help whenever you call," Mark answered with an honest smile. 

Jeongin nodded absentmindedly and I decided I was going to take over. 

"You mentioned you didn't only want Stray Kids to join the alliance, but for Itzy and Twice to do so as well. What's your plan on that?" I asked Taeyong.

"I was hoping once I had you on my side, Yeji would follow," Taeyong sent a quick smirk in Yejis direction and I heard a quiet gasp behind me. Probably Hyunjin. 

All eyes were fixed on Yeji now, waiting for her statement. 

Yeji quickly checked over her teammates to figure out an answer. Her eyes were still locked on Ryujin when she came to a conclusion.

"We're with Stray Kids. We'll follow your decision."

Taeyongs grin widened. Everything was going the way he had planned. 

"What about Twice?" Jeongin followed up and Taeyong rolled his eyes. 

"What about them?" 

I turned around to look at Chan for reassurance when his eyes met mine. I could only hope he was thinking the same thing that I was. It only made sense. He gave me the quickest nod of approval and I wasn't sure if I had imagined it.

"Since Itzy is only going to agree with the alliance if we consent, we'll only approve if you manage to convince Twice." I felt Chans hand on my shoulder, supporting my statement and Jeongin nodded in agreement. 

No matter what, this was a hard challenge, if not impossible. To convince Yeji was complicated. To get Chan on your side was beyond difficult. Buy to convince Jihyo? In the few moments I had met her she seemed unreachable. She was a smart business woman and wouldn't fall in to Taeyongs charm.

Taeyong let out a laugh, startling me and everyone around us. 

"Consider it done." His tone suggested that we couldn't have given him an easier challenge. Marks smile grew too. "Well, in fact, it is done already."

Chans grip on my shoulder tightened.

"How," I whispered under my breath, completely in shock. How had he managed to get Jihyo into his plans that easily? Taeyong simply shrugged in response, the grin on his face not fading.

"Prove it." Jeongin seemed in disbelief. All of us were, to be honest.

"Oh, c'mon. Shouldn't we start trusting each other more if we want this to work?" Taeyong mocked, his eyes traveling to Chan again. "But sure I'll prove it, if you insist." He pulled out his phone and dramatically went in his contacts to call Jihyo. 

"Nothing easier than that." He clicked on the call button and put it on speaker. I held my breath when it started to ring her. And when she picked up I almost chocked. Jisung who had to be somewhere behind me actually did.

"What do you want Taeyong?" Her annoyed voice was an indication she wasn't too happy about his call, but picked up nonetheless. 

"Hey Ji, I was just calling to check in with you about our alliance. Just to make sure you haven't changed your mind yet." Taeyong said smoothly, his eyes on me while he stressed the alliance part. 

Jihyo let out a deep sigh on the other end. "If you call me to flirt I might think over my decision and cancel it." 

Taeyong look said 'I told you so' and he looked proud of himself. "Don't break my heart Jihyo." Jihyo mumbled something about him being an idiot and hung up, leaving all of us stunned. 

Mark was the first one to speak up after the call. "So does that mean Stray Kids, Itzy and NCT have an alliance now? We've fulfilled your criteria."

I was unsure how to answer his question. It was then when I realized that it wasn't my position to make a decision. Jeongin looked puzzled too. That was when the hand on my shoulder reached out between us and Chan stepped forwards, his expression unreadable. 

Taeyong smiled as he stood up and took his hand, shaking it to complete the business deal. 

We had formed an alliance with the enemy. 

"I wouldn't have formed an alliance with him." 

My heart dropped at Chans statement. Did we make the wrong decision?

"Which is exactly why I chose you both to do so." Every word that came out of his mouth managed to feed my confusion.

"Stop speaking in riddles, I'm not in the mood to solve quizzes to understand what you're saying." I rolled my eyes in annoyance and he snickered. 

"I wouldn't have made the right decision myself because of our past. The history between us doesn't let me team up with him. But it needed to be done. Since Lee Sooman is back in town we need anyone on our side we can get." He explained, his sincere eyes staring into mine. "Even if it's the person I wouldn't consider even if the world was ending."

"So even though it was the decision you wanted to make, you couldn't make it and let us do it for you instead?" His approving smile answered my question. 

"Still, there's one thing I don't understand." I said, voicing my confusion and he nodded, knowing exactly what I was alluding to. 

"How the fuck did he convince Jihyo?"

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